CSV Editor

Open CSV files as well as to edit data in a table structured format

CSV Editor - Easy CSV File Management on Android

"CSV Editor" is an Android app designed for viewing and editing CSV files in a structured table format. With a simple interface, users can reshuffle rows, align data, and display images via links. It offers a range of editing features while providing a smooth experience for managing CSV spreadsheets on mobile devices.
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App stats

Downloads: 21,150
Rating: 2.19
Version: 1.0.1 (Last updated: 2017-03-27)
Creation date: 2017-02-20
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App frequently crashes when opening CSV files.
    • Unable to configure delimiters.
    • Lacks fundamental features like adding rows/columns.
    • Search function is limited and does not support regex or wildcards.
    Most mentioned
    • Crashes when trying to open files.
    • Useless for certain CSV files.
    • Does not allow adding rows or new files.
    User reviews
    Crashes/exits when opening file from filesystem. Android 12.
    by Google User, 2023-01-16

    No line number,nice
    by Shaan, 2022-10-31
    View all user reviews