Clay County Savings Bank

Securely access your Clay County Savings Bank account from your Android device.

Total ratings

3.63 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Clay County Savings Bank on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.83
All time rating average: 3.63

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67% (4)
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17% (1)
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17% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
LeeAnn Williams
My experience with Clay County InterContinental Bank is four-letter word starting with an f ending with a k. That's all I have to say
Joanne Green
Great to bank with. Great customer service.
Pr0to Fa660t
•. . Was great until it stopped working. :( Tried to reinstall it. Doesn't work with VPN. I'm rooted and have dl 3rd party apks. My s*** is legitimate. Your site (what I use now) looks like it should be semi-safe. Please ask your Î resource to update it and let it accept more privacy oriented gentlemen like myself be able to use. I have the correct info. I answered the e-mail in less than a minute. Fun Fact: "Don't ever plug in an unknown usb!"
Stacyann Hudlemeyer
I love this bank the people are so nice and helpful
James Davis
Great app. Me and my daughter both use it. Can track your account transfer money. On and on
A Google user
Great app. Love the remote banking feature