Reviews of Mighty Dice

List of user reviews and ratings for Mighty Dice

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 864)

Review summary

  • Great visuals and animations
  • Ability to save and use presets
  • Variety of customizable dice skins
  • User-friendly interface
  • No paywall for basic features
  • Ads are intrusive and play audio even when muted
  • Limited number of dice sets and some need to be purchased
  • Some users report issues with specific features like shake to roll
  • Lack of advanced mathematical functions for complex rolls
  • Bias in dice rolls due to the physics engine
Most mentioned
  • Visual appeal and customization options
  • Ad-related issues
  • Functionality and effectiveness as a dice roller
  • Need for improved preset management and features
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Mighty Dice on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.56
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Rating filters

5 star
54% (13)
4 star
33% (8)
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13% (3)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Comment
Great dice roller, allows you to save sets for quick use - makes a playing a rogue with 3d8 and 7d6 on a single attack dice a significantly faster experience!
John Doe
It's a nice-looking roller, vary clean. The ads are a little invasive, tho. popping up any time you change or set the die look, got to pay to turn them off. It's not much, but still money is money.
Audrey Rebstock
I've used this app for the last 3-4 years and loved it. It's such a helpful app that I adore, and the skins are amazing and well worth the ads/money. The one and only issue is I can't get the shake to roll to work. For years it worked fine and was my favorite feature but after going on break from DND for 3 months I come back to it not working. EDIT: The shake to roll is back after another attempt at reinstalling! Thank you Developer I got my favorite feature back!
Devan De Jager
Idk what to say but it works. Edit: The new update is great, glad the Devs are actually paying attention to their app, I like the new dice skins and settings.
Dustin Harrington
What a brilliant app! I'm getting ready to DM a oneshot with a chat room full of AI's and to stick with the theme of my "modern players", I wanted a digital dice equivalent. This app fits the bill perfectly. The interphase is very intuitive and the dice roll animations are very satisfying. Very well done!
Μłκε ŠøLø
Great animation and visuals, not a single issue in high settings
Pretty good die rolling app but I really wish there were some simple features to make the results cleaner to look at, such as organizing groups of matching dice facings so you can quickly see a number on your total 6s or 1s on a batch of rolled d6s, as an example. You sorta get that by looking at the log, though you have to manually count the number of matching dice, but I wish it could be a setting for the graphical option to group the dice based on facing and display a total number of matches
Albert Woo
Looks great. Works great. Just can't do pop out or split screen. Might be because of the animations. Also would be nice to shut off animations.
Paul Douglas
Great dice roller! After using it for a few minutes I purchased the ad removal. This is a very useful tool. -Please consider adding a button to the presets to drop the lowest dice. -Additionally, some of the dice are very bright, washing out the numbering... Perhaps a lighting toggle where you can brighten or dim the light source above the dice? -Finally, more dice sets are always fun. Maybe something lighter with black numbers? Also a Holmes & Becmi set, to play homage to the original d&d?
Uplift Throne 76
This is an incredible dice roller, with a lack of paywall, and really good dice skins. The ads only exist when you change dice skin, which means that they're completely optional. I have ONE DOWNSIDE though. The ads play audio, even if my phone volume is at zero, and I hit the advertisement mute button. This is on an Orbic Q10, and even when totally muted, the ads still are playing at loud volume.
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