Citationsy - References, Citat

Citations in APA, MLA, Harvard, DIN, and 9,000+ other styles.

Citationsy - References & Citation Manager

Citationsy - References, Citat is a versatile citation manager that allows users to easily generate citations for books, websites, and papers in over 9,000 styles like APA, MLA, and Harvard. With features to organize citations into projects and a barcode scanning option for books, it streamlines the referencing process. The app also supports a seamless experience across devices, integrating with your Citationsy Pro account for greater convenience. Perfect for users transitioning from platforms like RefME and Zotero.

App stats

Downloads: 38,327
Rating: 3.45
Version: 2.1.1 (Last updated: 2021-10-04)
Creation date: 2019-04-29
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Citationsy - Cite Websites and Papers (v1.2.4)
7,473 2.80 (4)

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Good features for generating citations
  • Scans books efficiently
  • Helpful for organizing citations
  • Supports various citation styles like APA
  • Requires account creation and subscription upfront
  • Bugs preventing login and functionality
  • Limited citation management (e.g., only one note/citation per book)
  • Lack of integration with other platforms
  • Poor user support and guidance on how to use the app
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and functionality issues
  • Need for subscription/account creation
  • Ease of use and efficiency
  • Ability to scan and organize citations
  • Lack of features or guidance
User reviews
It is necessary for an enthusiast to be aware of the China-Taiwan dilemma. The struggle is more complicated than one may imagine. The history of China and Taiwan is lengthy and complex. The latter is an island that governs itself. Chinhe other hand, considers it to be a part of their land. The conflict began after the Chinese civil war came to an end in 1949. While the communists seized control of mainland China, the vanquished Nationalists retreated to Taiwan.
by Lawal Ahmed, 2024-11-29

Love this. I found this when I was looking for an alternative to all these annoying Chegg-owned citation creators that were riddled with ads.
by Dylan Chau, 2023-11-22
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