Central Illinois Credit Union

Central Illinois Credit Union Mobile Banking

Total ratings

3.21 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Central Illinois Credit Union on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.22
All time rating average: 3.21

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56% (5)
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22% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ej Black
It's not the best but it works
Mook Aubrey
So good
A Google user
Frustrated that I can't see my transactions listed anymore
A Google user
Can no longer see my transactions or where my money has gone. All I can see after signing in is balances of my accounts, when I click on an account to see my transactions, I get nothing. Only what my available balance is at the top of the screen. 😡 VERY frustrating when I'm trying to see my transactions from my mobile phone and can't!
A Google user
It's very frustrating. Everytime I touch the screen to see a couple more days transactions it jumps really fast sometimes a couple weeks. Then when I try to scroll back to where I was I jumps more. It won't scroll really slow. Seems to me it started when I got my galaxy S9.
A Google user
Unable to control scrolling. Touch of the screen and it rushes to the oldest transactions.
A Google user
Can't scroll through transactions.
A Google user
Does crash....saying the server not working....you can be looking at it and the screen as your reading it will go crazy without you touching the screen.
A Google user
The old app was fine. The new one always crashes or can't get through to my account, and when it does I have to go through multiple screens. The old one just had me log in and boom, available balance or transfer.