Score Keeper - Score Counter

Score Board, Score Keeper, Points Counting, Count Anything, Score Counter

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 29)
See reviews for Score Keeper - Score Counter on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.80

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Date Author Rating Comment
Tomislav Simic (petougao)
Very restrictive in free version. There is a better app that is cheaper, has no restrictions and even can broadcast score to other phones.
Henry Carter
Brilliant app, intuitive and easy to use. Love the animation when somebody wins!
Kazi Ornob
Please add🙂 POINTS 🙂 like 14.32. It is seriously necessary. Please .
Tom Bates
Good app
Doaa Hmdi
its the best app ever but its drain the battery and if we can add pic from gallery
hareem kapadia
I love this
Schwen Family
LOVE the design and simplicity. The other apps are way too busy. I am using it to keep track of points for my kids to earn rewards. I would absolutely love a widget so I don't have to open the app every time. Or a companion app where "players" can sync from their own devices. Maybe a mode where they can see but not edit the score.
Joseph Hall
Very Useful For My Football Matches!