Reviews of All Flight Tickets Booking app

List of user reviews and ratings for All Flight Tickets Booking app

Total ratings

2.68 (Rating count: 321)

Review summary

  • Works well for finding flights.
  • User-friendly interface with straightforward functionality.
  • Developer responsiveness to feedback.
  • Frequent app crashes and closing.
  • Constant prompts to rate the app causing frustration.
  • Limited currency options for flight comparisons.
Most mentioned
  • Rate prompt causing app crashes.
  • Issues with app functionality and navigation.
  • Inability to modify search parameters easily.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 2.68
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Rating filters

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55% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Hadi BQ
Great App! does the job perfectly well.
Jesse Adams
Works great! Straight and to the point!
Phillip C
Works very well, definitely recommend this app. Keep up the good work developer. 😉
Brian Davies
Doesn't give many currency options, need this to compare
A Google user
You can find cheaper prices on Google Flights, seems catered to specific engines. Would not recommend. The color scheme should also be changed.
A Google user
When I search for a flight, it never gives me a result. I just feel that it's very disappointing to not be able to use the app at all.
A Google user
Overall seems an good app. Missing or not intuitive an back option/button Making settings more stressful Seems the only way is always to quit the app and search again. Edited. Still not proper functioning regarding the back issue.
A Google user
Keeps asking for a review and if you are in the middle of a search and choose Not Now, it shuts down the app - thus forcing a review. No South African Rands in currency choices. EDIT: shut down issue is resolved and app works as expected - but still no ZAR option in currency.
A Google user
Not sure yet how it works because a screen pops up asking you to rate them before you even try it. Now that I have this review out of the way I'll see how it goes.
A Google user
Anoying rate popup. Does not back to modify, nor change search parameters. Uninstalled Update: from 1 to 4, Developer did fix and deliver. Will use it. Thx.
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