Reviews of Rolling Speed Ball

List of user reviews and ratings for Rolling Speed Ball

Total ratings

3.08 (Rating count: 985)

Review summary

  • The graphics are cool
  • Some users find it visually appealing
  • The game can be a challenge
  • The game is slow
  • There are too many ads
  • Controls can be jumpy
Most mentioned
  • Slow gameplay
  • Ad overload
  • Graphics quality
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.08
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Rating filters

5 star
25% (5)
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15% (3)
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55% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Olaniran Bunmi
It bad and does not look like the app
Archie Smith
It was a good game when I got it but now there is a bug that makes me stuck on the ball changer pad when I go on it. It would of been 4 stars if the bug didn't exist
Subhan Subhan
Thanks for visiting the UK and Ireland
Sampson Duplessis
To be honest it's just bad. I thought the game would be good because the title was difficult to read but no. 1. The ball moves too slow 2. Where is the button to turn off music 3. It has "that" game asthetic 4. It gets boring after a bit DON'T DOWNLOAD. I'm tryna save lives, ur welcome
Belinda knight
My 3yr old grandson and myself his nanny Knigh have just started this game, it's a challenge and can be frustrating when you get so far then fall, because of looking at it from a new angle, and forget to press the correct arrow moving forward.😀 but we both still love trying to reach the end. Myself, I love a game I have to think about and consentrate on what I'm doing. The downside is reaching the end & not knowing what to do next & run out of time!πŸ˜±πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜€πŸ€£
Jacob Knighton
If you want an ad free experience, turn on airplane mode. I don't know why you would want that, though..... this game is really bad. The ball moves SO slow and there's no option to disable the music. There are better ball rollers out there if you really want to play one.
Brian Borden
Cant see what your doing for the add at the top of your phone but it is a good game
Venky Smile
Game is very beatuful best game game is very simple
Kumar Arun
No no ads only for
Md minhaj alam Alam
Very nice and clean up after work to than the other hand the wildcats held
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