Celtx Screenplay

Celtx's media pre-production tools are trusted by creatives all over the world.

Total ratings

2.32 (Rating count: 652)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Intuitive for script formatting, making it easier for users unfamiliar with industry standards.
  • Access to work across multiple devices, providing flexibility for users.
  • Some users still appreciate the desktop version and acknowledge long-term loyalty to the brand.
  • Severe glitches and bugs that disrupt writing, including random deletions and formatting issues.
  • Limited features in the free version, such as creating only one script and restricted downloads.
  • Lack of offline capabilities, making it difficult for users to write without a network connection.
Most mentioned
  • Frequent glitches that cause loss of work or random formatting changes.
  • Limitations on the free version, restricting usability and project management.
  • Lack of basic features like copy/paste and the ability to create title pages.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 2.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dammy Boy
I use your web services and i have noticed some time after mutiple times of saving files to draft, when you enter the sight again, i notice that draft does not save. Its too bad.
abdulrazak ingutia
This app doesn't allow creation of a title page. Not a good miss at all.
Eniola Olalekan
I think it'd be great if I can also access the software offline. Most times, I want to write something but there's a network glitch, I can't use the software so I just have to navigate to another software that allows me write offline.
Scott Martin
My favorite app to write. Does the formatting for you which makes everything so much easier, although the Website or computer version is way better than the mobile version. Something to definitely keep in mind
Been using celtx for years. Had a paid pro account for a while and was well pleased with it. Wasn't using it so I'm but back to free account. The Android app is super buggy since October, also offers no settings options. Can't select more than a single word, can't cut and paste, every time I try to delete a word it deletes the entire section, it's terribly frustrating. Tutorial box pops up every time I start a new anything. Going to try using the actual site. Will report back. 🫡
Bipinkumar Singh
Just installed this app today. They literally don't have basic copy paste option. You have to struggle a lot to select the lines in the App. They are trying their best to be on bottom. It will be tough for anyone to subscribe to thier paid version. I can see overall rating is less than 3. 5 which is concerning.
Robert Bartson
This app mostly works fine. It's very intuitive, especially for someone who is not familiar with formatting a script in the industry standard. My only problem is a glaring one. I've looked everywhere, and I can not find a way to display a page counter. This is a huge problem because anyone who writes scripts knows, knowing how many pages of text you have massively helps in estimating the length/pace of your script. I really hope the developers consider fixing this because it is a massive flaw.
Braxton Gaither
Generally fine, but there are no ways (in app) to report needed fixes, spotted bugs, or general issues. One issue that breaks the flow of writing. Randomly the app will "pick" a word or put a period down or even put spaces in areas that you're not doing. Another issue: you can not smoothly scrub through previous words. I'd love to give a detailed issue with photos and such, but I'm stuck making a complaint via the reviews. Sorry. Otherwise a good app. Sides the issues.
J.Michael McAfee
Not great. Had old .celtx files and no way to upload them using free mobile app version... Also, now I have .celtx scripts and no way to open them on mobile... I guess I'll go the 2001 route and convert them to .txt file and loose all formatting. Great. Tx.
Samuel Gardner
This app may as well not exist. Love the software - great on computer - but this is completely unusable. Trying to work on an episodic, and when trying to click between episodes, the app will randomly open any of the episodes except the one you clicked on... fire you're programmers or pay them more to do their actual jobs. Respectfully, Rage.
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