Total Media Converter

Fast, simple tool for converting between media format including photo & video

Total ratings

3.12 (Rating count: 479)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users found it effective for converting HEIC files, especially from JPG/JPEG formats.
  • App provides straightforward instructions for conversion tasks.
  • Offers the option to remove ads for a fair fee, which some users appreciate.
  • Can select multiple files for conversion, which some users find useful.”
  • Known for good image compression with minimal quality loss.
  • Consistently reported crashes and failures to open the app after updates.
  • Majority of users report loss of EXIF metadata after conversion, which is highly undesirable.
  • User interface issues, including poor scaling and non-intuitive navigation, causing frustration.
  • Inability to convert multiple files effectively, even in the pro version. Users expected better functionality.
  • Inability to select SD card as a storage location, which is a critical function for many users.
Most mentioned
  • App crashes frequently and fails to open after updates.
  • Loss of EXIF metadata is a common complaint.
  • User interface is unhelpful and not user-friendly.
  • Issues with converting files properly, including incomplete or failed conversions.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.12
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Date Author Rating Comment
Murali Mohan
This new version always crashes, never worked a single time. Please improve. That's why 1-star!!
App failing to open. I think it's with latest changes or release. Not able to use app. Mine MI11X latest OS. No response from developer team from last 6 months. Very bad support
Sua Mae
Just crashes when opening
Ayaz Khan
Previous version is still working fine but this new update broke the app stability. Crashes within few seconds. Clearning cache or data doesn't resolve crash issue. Please revise this update. I liker this app very much but with this issue its useless for me and for others.
Dusan Vavrik
Doesn't work on Samsung S23 ultra. Keep crashing sayin App has bug.
Basilius Prabawa Brodjonegoro
I appreciate the app, but it doesn't help in my use case. It turns all portrait images landscape (rotated) and removes EXIF metadata. It also changed the date of the image. When converting multiple images, the images sometimes only get converted halfway with just black at the bottom.
Ross Kreger
Not very user friendly. Did work but limited functionality and poor GUI does not make use easy. Unable to clear my queue easily, not clear on steps to add specific files. Could use work.
Just Junk
Doesn't allow you to convert multiple files. Even if you buy the pro version. Glitchy as heck.
Connie Boyer
This app works GREAT!! My photos are created on my Samsung phone in HEIC format, to save space. But various apps still do not recognize this format. This app WORKS and gives GREAT instructions on how to convert one or more photos. It WORKS & is STRAIGHTFORWARD to use, UNLIKE other "free apps"!!
Aslan Seven
I have multiple file pickers, which show images, this app demands that I pick my photos by name. That doesn't work for me I know my photos because of what is in the photos.
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