EIQ connect

EIQ Connect is a gated community app for residents

Total ratings

3.20 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for EIQ connect on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.17
All time rating average: 3.20

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17% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Melda Duckworth
I can use both on my phone and on my computer. It's easy to use and I get a notification every time my visitor arrives.
Igor G.
This app needs serious work. It keeps logging you out for no reason. When you launch it, it bombards you with messages "an unknown error has occurred." Garbage.
We've been using this for a while in our community. it's been a serious upgrade after our last system.
Connie Siskowski
Unable to access
I wish you could have notifications with a sound instead of just a badge or a little icon on the notification bar. I no longer have any warning when someone's coming to the gate until they're at my front door. I really miss being able to receive text messages when someone came through the gate. It seems like a good app but it's very basic.
herb silvera
this app sucks. I could not download it on my desktop