Survival Simulator

Realistic survival simulator in the forest

Total ratings

3.55 (Rating count: 164,825)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great potential for development
  • Fun to play with friends
  • Core concept is enjoyable
  • Good graphics for a mobile game
  • No microtransactions
  • Numerous bugs and glitches
  • Issues with server stability and player interactions
  • Lack of resource variety and quantity
  • Problems with crafting system and item durability
  • Need for more animals and building options
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and glitches
  • Insufficient resources and animals
  • Multiplayer issues
  • Potential for future development
  • Desire for more content and features
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.55
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ricky Atcherian
Decent game, few issues. 1. There is problem with being unable to keep certain players out of my server. 2. Resources collected don't stay in their respective servers, meaning players with weapons ready from their servers can jump to other servers and wreak havoc. 3-A. When I decided to make a new server, I thought I would be given a freshly made server instead of the ruins of my hard work. 3-B. The idea of 3-A is very neat, there should be an option to start over whenever desired. Thank you
Wyatt Mooney
It can get boring when you play alone and it has some bugs (quite a bit) but it's not all about the quality. the game is so silly and a joy to play. The only reason I give it 4 stars, is because the glitches. The most anoying, is when you leave and rejoin, some of your stuff and all of your armour disappears. So plz fix that. But that's it.
Egg Roll
This is a rip off of forest survival. Too many hackers and bugs like items going through ground when droped. Some things like coal, gunpowder, and arrows arent needed because guns and bows have endless ammo. Items crafted sometimes have little or no durability on them. When leaving a sever items will disapper from your inventory. Also some items are literly useless. Wood armor is so bad you have no point to make it. Bows are too hard to aim, and cost way too much to make anyways. 3/5 meh game :/
Jacob Riley
A really cool little game. When my friends and I first discovered it, we felt that it was basically a trashy mobile version of The Forest. After playing some, we got attached to it. As long as you're working up to something, it's really fun. It's far from the full release, so there's much to be added and improved upon. I'd suggest a larger map, easier getting around, a lengthier player progression, and worlds similar to Minecraft where it's mainly offline, but can be online. It has potential.
This game is great! There were a few things that went wrong: That my friend and I tried to enter each other's servers, but when we searched them they came up with nothing, when we finally got in, we would hear eachother shouting in pain when nothing was inflicting pain, also we were invisible to eachother at some point. If you could fix that it'd be great. Overall it was a great experience, and a great game!
A Google user
It's really fun to mess on around with friends, but there's a glitch where someone will die on someone else's side of the game but still be alive for everyone else. The animals also have different movements for different people which leads to confusion. Sometimes when we spawn in, it deletes our builds and progress. Sometimes items despawn out of storage boxes as well. When you craft items, a lot of the time they are not at full durability. Stamina bar could be a bit longer. It has potential.
A Google user
The game is great but when I play with friends after a couple of minutes they will just fall to the floor but when I ask them what happened they say their fine and running around, I will suggest that the guns not have infinite bullets/arrows and that sulfur is a little more common. The game has major potential but need bugs fixed and more stuff but a really good game.
A Google user
First off I would like to say that this game has amazing potential and is really good. But these are all the things that I would like to fix. first there should be more materials to harvest with and more things to build. When me and some of my friends were playing, the bow was really broken and a lot stronger than our our rifles. Also sulfur needs to be added for gunpowder and ammo to be in use. Right now guns run off of infinite. Other than that this game would be a full on five stars. thanks.
A Google user
This is a really fun game! It would be better if you had more furniture and options for the house. Beds to pass time, tables and chairs, doorways meant for the tops of stairs, ect. More animals and vegetation would make this game ×4 better! You should make offline worlds available too. Locks on chests should also be a option for more metal. Also if you can add gender changing that would be awesome!
A Google user
It is actually a really good game and has a ton of potential. I would really like to keep playing this game and will change to 5* if you add Sulfur back in or take it out of the Recipes for ammo. And we need Beds or Sleeping bags. A world map. And maybe some more content. PLEASE TAKE THIS UNDER CONSIDERATION! Keep up the good work. Thank you.
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