Reviews of CasaTunes Gen2 Home Audio Ctrl

List of user reviews and ratings for CasaTunes Gen2 Home Audio Ctrl

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 34)
See reviews for CasaTunes Gen2 Home Audio Ctrl on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
B Al Ali
Not working
Dan Vogel
Tried to rename a source in the Android app and it's not changing it. I don't see a save button like there is in the web app.
Abdulnasser GHUL
Great app, great product and great support. Thanks
A Google user
very stable. The only thing is that the ability to move sources from one room to another is not longer available. I love that option.
A Google user
iko sawa
A Google user
Very nice app and intuitive. Grouping is also very easy.
A Google user
Great app, but can't get it to play my music stored on my phone and also can't enable the Alexa because it doesn't recognise the casatunes skill in the setup.
A Google user
Worked really well to start with but now cannot get it to work! Whole system down so cannot use it! Any solutions? All my zones and rooms have dissapeared
A Google user
What a great app.. casatunes is the perfect choice for Home audio. Cannot recommend enough. Simple to use and very responsive. The entire system fills my home with music. Great support if you need it. There has been several updates over the last few months therefore the older comments no longer apply. I use 12 zones where we can run 12 different sources. Integrates with my Spotify.
A Google user
Downloaded the app, want to connect it to my alexa. It told me to verify my password. Ever even asked my to create an account or sign in with FB or anything. Hit the forgot password link and it told me my password was sent to such and such email address. How in the world did I get an app that is already registered to someone else??