HVAC Toolkit

A combination of HVAC apps including duct and pipe sizing, and psychrometrics

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2.00 (Rating count: 23)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.89
All time rating average: 2.00

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56% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ken's Heating & Air Conditioning
No açess to preferences on android abandoned software
Piotr Zelasko
Preference menu not accessible on Samsung Note 10+ running Android 12. Developer has not responded to question about this problem.
Jayson Levine
Does what I need it to do. Can only access the Preferences menu on one of my two devices, though. Samsung Note8 shows three-dot menu icon next to navbar at bottom of screen (almost missed it). ASUS ZenFone V, however, lacks any access to Preferences, so quick load calc is stuck on barber shops/drug stores/etc. as a building type. Please make the menu button more accessible.
A Google user
Unfortunately this app has been neglected by the developer and now doesn't work properly on a modern phone. One particular issue is that the menu can no longer be accessed to change from imperial to metric units. The app was once very helpful.
A Google user
App worked when originally purchased, now load calc will not work and adjustable fields cannot be changed.
A Google user
Use to be a decent app. Primarily purchased it for fieldwork.....duct sizing on the fly and temperature charts. Duct sizing tool is absolutely useless. Very dissapointe in Carmel Software. Save your money!
A Google user
I bought this a few years ago. It used to work and now the load calc program is broken. I've set multiple emails to the developer with no replies back. Waste of money now.
A Google user
A Google user
I had this same app on an I phone and loved it. This is clumpsy and one is unable to adjust parameters. One cannot trust its results.