CarGurus: Used & New Cars

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Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 156,442)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Better search functionality compared to competitors
  • Includes price history and ratings for vehicles
  • Alerts for new listings and vehicles of interest
  • Good selection of listings, especially for hard-to-find vehicles
  • Provides additional contextual information like how long a vehicle has been listed
  • App frequently experiences technical issues and bugs
  • Filters often do not work as intended, showing irrelevant results
  • Saved searches and filters do not retain settings after changes
  • Navigation in the app is frustrating and not user-friendly
  • Incorrect or misleading data about vehicle listings
Most mentioned
  • Technical difficulties and bugs in the app
  • Inaccurate filter functionality
  • Difficulty in navigating back to previous search results
  • Issues with saved searches not retaining filters
  • Misleading notifications about new or relevant listings
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 4.75
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45% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Alexander Smolev
In general I like this app more over Autotrader app for many reasons - better search, price history, ratings, absence of a brands that have zero vehicles and many other... But all of that is when the CarGurus app is actually working. Most of my attempts to open it on Pixel 9 Pro end up with hanging forever logo screen.
Rob Paulson
Great App/Great Website but it's worthless because the data is all wrong. Wasted an hour and set up an appointment at a dealership - only all the features it mentioned weren't included. The dealer's listing was right; CarGuru was wrong. I checked all the other cars on my list too against the dealer's websites and they were all wrong in some key way.
Good website for vehicle search, but it is most likely designed by people who don't know much about cars and / or have ever spent significant time looking for cars. The site has a few functionality issues, like: a) not being able to switch models or make easily w/o redoing all of the filter selections that would still be applicable; b) summary of specs does not include additional elements resulting in shoppers having to read the lengthy details; c) showing irrelevant star ratings of cars.
Gil Hanoch
Very confusing and misleading with some listings assuming EV tax credit. More clarification: I love this app/web-site, great search criteria, alerts, etc. The issue is that any search by price, or alerts becomes useless, because some listings have the real price, and others give the price assuming you qualify for $4,000 used EV credit. So, it messes up the sort order, it requires contacting many sellers, just to know the price. I wish you would disallow including the EV credit in listings.
Chris Tucker
Navigation back and forth between individual cars and you full list of cards is garbage. The back button for the phone doesn't take you back, it's delayed when you use the app back arrow so you press it twice and go back to the original search screen, and the app itself is just really slow to move between screens/steps. Use autotrader or cars instead.
Georgi Drenski
The delivery option was available when I first installed this app a d now I can't see it on ANY of the cars I am seeing in the search option. Not even the ones, that previously had it. Nor I can see the delivery cost. Very annoying as I am looking for very specific vehicle type within relatively narrow price range and technical specifications. Many of these are located quite far away which makes it impractical to travel for a drive test to rather distant locations.
Buggy mess. More than half filters, etc, do not display properly. It will cut off entire words or numbers. This is on a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Nearly unusable. After talking to their support, sending multiple screenshot of what I was seeing, nothing changed. App still useless for me. I just use the website in Chrome now.
Michael Desousa
With constant searching for weeks with this applications, it might seem to assist with finding vehicles you like but the pricing was constantly off as well as misinformation. If I could leave negative stars I would. I would also advise anyone using this app make sure your clear with the dealer about listing's and hidden fees by calling first. Even with that said we were victims of bait and switch constantly.
App would be better if the filter worked. I wanted to see nothing past 50 miles away but its showing me vehicles from halfway across the country as a best match. That's far from a best match I dont care about ones more than 50 miles away they are worst match. Improve that filter to actually block out stuff beyond the distance from zipcode provided and the app might not be as low quality
Li Lin
The listing are mostly from dealers, and there's no indication whether a particular dealer is reliable or not. You know what people say about used car salesmen.. The app itself often have technical glitches. For 2 days in a row it's showing message like "technical difficulties". Once I save a search it starts to send me emails . Not useful app. Seems to be supported by the less than reputable used car industry.
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