Reviews of Captain Driver

List of user reviews and ratings for Captain Driver

Total ratings

2.58 (Rating count: 38)

Review summary

  • Uses Google Maps for navigation
  • Relatively functional for basic delivery tasks
  • Improved since earlier reviews
  • Provides information on the number of items to deliver
  • Drains battery excessively
  • Difficult to read delivery addresses on the screen
  • Requires many permissions and tracks location constantly
  • Complicated and cumbersome user interface
  • Limited functionality and features
Most mentioned
  • Battery drain
  • Difficult delivery address readability
  • Excessive permissions and tracking requirements
  • Complicated app interface
  • Overall app instability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Captain Driver on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.58
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Rating filters

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21% (4)
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16% (3)
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58% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Keneth Lewandowski
Drains your battery. 1984 control for your boss. Can't rearrange delivers once assigned. Can't tell it "no" for the permissions. Will try not to let you work the app without permissions. Extremely annoying extra steps to just deliver food. If your boss wants to use this. Go the other way.
Jason Alway
Can't send feedback through app, despite the FAQ indicating you can. Main concern is the delivery address is the hardest thing to read on the display screen. Why is it smaller than the customers name? Why is the customers name bonded and all caps? MAKE THE DELIVERY ADDRESS MORE READABLE.
Petie V.
For the most part this app works very well. Once in a while the app will get you close to the address and then say something like your destination is on the right or you have arrived and it will show you something like 1200-1250. Then all you have to do is look for the addresses on the houses/businesses. Its rare thoughI like that it uses Google maps though. Another good thing is that it tells you how many items you are supposed to be delivering. For me it's pizzas and wings and pops and so on.
Wilayat Khan
Work nice
Travis “prplhayesvp70” Hunsaker
Garbage app that kills your battery needlessly with permissions and tracking. Phone is barely 3 months old, and running this app on a 7 hour shift left me at like 30%. Before we started using it, I'd leave work maybe cracking under 80%. Also there's barely any functionality to this app. No way to look up your delivery history or undo actions, it's freakin' worthless. If your company is considering this app, highly advise them to reconsider.
Alisha Butler
App has improved a lot from its old reviews. Even though I no longer use this app, that's because I just quit me delivery job. But seriously I relied on this thing to get back n forth customers destination points and it worked well for me.
Arne Elstad
It sucks that you were interfering with my Pizza orders for delivery
Erik Generik
Tracks me when not working.
accesses your location even if you are not currently working
Mahmoud Nazari
This application can have full access to your smartphone and all your data without your knowledge and permission, even when it is turned off.
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