Capitol Federal® Mobile

Stay connected to your finances with CapFed’s Mobile Banking app.

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 342)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good interface and ease of use
  • Increased security features
  • Ability to see pending transactions and account balance
  • Improved functionality from the old app according to some users
  • Mobile deposit feature frequently fails
  • Sign-in issues, including problems with password managers and fingerprint recognition
  • Inconsistent performance, including loading times and bugs
  • Limited transaction history view compared to the old app
  • Problems with app compatibility and account access
Most mentioned
  • Issues with mobile deposit functionality
  • Problems logging in and account access
  • Poor performance and loading times
  • Increased frustration with the app's redesign
  • Reduction in transaction history visibility
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.63
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Aaron Mcpherson
Good interface. Little to no lag. Great security! Suggestion: ability to activate or deactivate accounts.
ray garcia
The app is very easy to use, you can do just about anything banking wise on it, excellent service
Ken Godwin
The mobile deposit feature does not work. I gave up after 10 tries resulting a "can't read the numbers at the bottom" error. I tried using dark and light backgrounds, covered the flash, natural light with no success. The routing and account numbers are CLEARLY legible in all photos, but the app's photo sharpening actually worsens the image (you can see it happen). I now have a check endorsed per the instructions as "CapFed Mobile Deposit Only" that I fear cannot be deposited it elsewhere.
Shanell Crawforth
Are y'all going to fix this app? I have tried installing it so many times over the past few months and I can't even try to login. It has a pop-up saying didn't support debugging that I can't get past. It's really annoying that since the "upgrade" I literally can't use the app
Alan Lehman
I'm trying to use secure passwords but it won't let me paste a password and it clears the text I start to enter any time I switch screens to see my password manager. This "security" policy forces me to write down my password, the most insecure thing I can do. Horrible!
They reworked the app, and it still has the same old problems! 1) Not remembering my user id 2) Not recognizing my fingerprint credential 3) Infinitely loading when manually entering credientials I cannot access my account from the mobile app, but i can get in just fine from the website. How is this still happening...
John McCain
Originally gave 1 star because I thought fingerprint auth was removed in the redesign, but it looks like there is fingerprint auth under settings > add authorized devices. I wish this were more clearly labeled, but having that makes the app much more usable.
Ashley Robinson
Awful upgrade makes logging in almost impossible. You have to exit out and reopen the app to get it to stop circling. Also tried to do " fast balances" and it never works. This is awful.
Alan S.
On this new version of the app, I can only view account transactions for the last 30 days. I cannot find any control or setting that allows me to see several months back like I am accustomed to doing using the old version. Other than that I haven't had any problems yet but the 30 day history thing is a huge problem. Almost enough to change banks idk.
Meghan Fernandez
The new app is great! I love how I can see all pending transactions and an actual current balance. I also noticed I also can see my paychecks pending 2 days before. It has lots of cool new additions as well. Way better than the previous app!
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