War and Order

Build a fantasy empire. Orcs,elves,amazing graphics. Battle players worldwide.

Total ratings

3.90 (Rating count: 529,600)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great graphics and interface design
  • Fun team-based gameplay in alliances
  • Engaging strategy elements
  • Addictive and can be enjoyable if willing to spend money
  • Pay-to-win mechanics are heavily criticized
  • Game can be very grindy and repetitive
  • Misleading advertising about gameplay and mechanics
  • Frequent crashes and technical issues
  • Notifications stop working after a short while
Most mentioned
  • False advertising regarding gameplay
  • Pay-to-win structure
  • Repetitive gameplay
  • Heavy dependence on in-game purchases
  • Crashes during critical game moments
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.90
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52% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Chris Huffman
Played this game twice now, and the second time around its getting worse! You can be trying to get into your castle to begin and have to constantly click all the sales advertising pop ups off your main realm screen even if youre under attack! Ive had my fill of 85% of the new stuff they added is only on a sales pitch and it dont help your castle in any way, shape, or form! And another note, the players selling their castles and resources for "real" money is absoluletely crazy illegal!
Jacob Litewski
I've spent way to much time in this game. It can get really grindy in the later castle levels, but otherwise it's fun to join an alliance and be a part of the success of a realm. It does push the need to buy things to progress though, which is annoying, but they aren't priced awful in any way. You can easily spend $40 a month and be comfortable with everything. It also does get samey with the weekly challenges. Overall, I've sunk way to much time into this game and plan on sinking more.
sandeep singh chauhan
The game used to be really good, with a huge player base back when I started playing. Gameplay is still good, but if you don't spend $100s of dollars it's not good anymore. It used to take few days to reach castle levels 20+ for anyone and those who don't spend that much also were able to enjoy the game. Now within few hours of a new world 4-5 people will spend a lot of money and get castle level 20+ and those who spend $10-$20 stand no chance to complete
Christopher Sean
It is probably one of the worst games I've ever played, a few seconds of fighting before it jumps straight into a non stop forced tutorial about how to build a base(and no one wants more base building games!) Honestly, the worst part is how bad the audio is, and the fact that there's no way to turn the sound off because of the forced tutorial.. Terrible graphics, worse gameplay.. literally hard to describe what the worst part of the game is! It's THAT BAD!
Two stars on the facts that everything works good, and the sounds are okay. I personally bought a few things on there. For the rest of the stars are later on down the road somewhere you experiencing have to update and update and update, which is about 24mb. And if not updated. You can kiss the game, money you put on it, and time and stats. Because your not playing till it gets it's updates, and it literally slow if your month of high speed data is over.
Mohmmad Bayan
This game is terribly designed. After playing it for almost 2 years, I completely un-installed from my phone and quit playing in just like that. It favors people who joined earlier (before you). The more seniority in the game you have, the better position, power, and capability you have. Also, it requires you to stay connected all the time, stay engaged, and be ready to respond. If you have no life ( looser with nothing to do), then go for it. It sure will fill your time.
David Clarke
The 1000th game exactly like every other. Upgrade your city and every once in a while you get to play the reason you were interested in the game from the ads. Of course it's never mentioned that it's the same game that's been around since 2009 with a new skin. I've played this exact game in other guises, it's just got a different battle mode. As soon as it had "my lord, upgrade the castle" I was like "my lady, time to uninstall"
mark s
I played WaO for years. You never really get ahead unless you spend, even in an alliance. You spend all your time moving between alliances because things happen, mergers, etc. And really, the battle mechanics are just not that fun. It's still a fun game, but yeah, make it better already. It needs fundamental changes, not just lipstick.
Thebossinallen Cortez
Not the game that was advertised. The ads show a fun mindless "shoot the wall before you hit it" game where you can play a round in like 30 seconds. This is an in depth idle game where you build and upgrade a castle, recruit troops, and manage resources. Nothing wrong with that, but stop lying to people. If your game can't survive on its own merit and has to be misrepresented, it shouldn't exist.
thomas king
Played this game for quite a while. Spent money to upgrade. So called sever update, and I was no longer able to sign in. Still received, enemy scouted you, your enemy has arrived, unable to do a damn thing about. If you plan on spending any amount of time on this game, Beware! I did bind my account twice as they recommended specifically for this, still made no difference. This happened a couple months ago. I deleted the game, have no further interest.
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