
The simple calendar app with schedule planner for tasks, to do lists, and events

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 71,305)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and navigate to input information
  • Simple and straightforward for basic calendar functions
  • Has features for correcting and editing events easily
  • Used to have a good performance on older versions
  • Invasive ads that interrupt user experience
  • Incorrect holiday dates and automatic time changes
  • Frequent permission requests for contacts and calls
  • Delayed loading and events not saving properly
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive ads that cannot be dismissed easily
  • Incorrect holiday dates and changes in time slots for events
  • Issues with permissions required by the app leading to unwanted behavior
  • Lost events and difficulties in event input after updates
  • App has become less user-friendly after recent updates
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 4.28
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73% (22)
Date Author Rating Comment
Julie Sierra
Why are ALL the Holidays OFF by a day? And Why are there ridiculous added silly unreal "Non-Holidays" added in there ? I will be downloading a NEW calendar app and that has all the dates correct, thanks.
Mathew Creede Fowler
Unnecessary notifications to check my calendar pop up don't know how to disable them. Will not save my events under my time zone and I have to go back in to manually change it
Betsy Schmidt
It will change the time of my events, I also wanted a calendar on my home page but it just shows white. I couldn't open the app until I gave permission to my calls
Mir Fida Nadeem
App is simple and updated, but shows ads in it even after becoming VIP paid member.
Bill Visher
Delayed loading; Holidays shown one day off; automatic appointment entry does not work. Still, I depend on it.
Gageariana2005 Bella1216
I do not like this I'm trying to delete this but I'm not able to. I don't like this popping up on my home screen
Angel Vlogs
Idk but rn the app is super bugged. It's saying it needs to go in deep sleep mode, and it's one of the apps on my phone that has so much GBs. Idk if it's bugged. I don't want to uninstall because it came with my phone. Tell me what to do
Bought a one life time purchase a year ago, no ads, everthing great, it requires subscriptions and ads are back. I feel robbed. Thus why 1 star
it sends notifications to me for no reason, saying I need to plan something. It also takes me to the app whenever I get off a call, and I DO NOT want to go to the app after a call.
Joe Evans
Easy to use, make additions, corrections, etc
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