
Building and remodeling app for builders, designers, tradesman, and home owners.

Total ratings

2.14 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for Buildshop on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.44
All time rating average: 2.14

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5 star
33% (3)
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3 star
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11% (1)
1 star
56% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
James Crozier
Great app and software. Has everything a builder or remodeler needs. The software is getting better and better
A Google user
Downloaded in hopes previous reviews were used error. Doesn't seem to be the case.
A Google user
If I could give a negative rating I would. Unlike some apps that work for a while and then stall or more and more apps pop up, this app doesn't even give you a home screen. Just gets basic information. I wondered about it after it didn't have you repeat your password to make sure they match. POS
A Google user
I set up my profile and verified my email. The app won't even load up a home screen. Completely broken app.
A Google user
Wanted to use this to track costs of a house reno (my costs as homeowner). Way too simple... doesn't allow costs to be categorized / doesn't allow subtotals by subject area. For example... master ensuite is a subject but need to track sub- costs such as cabinets, plumbing, fixtures each as their own total that rolls up to master ensuite that rolls up to total budget for house. Back to excel... disappointing.
A Google user
Doesn't let you login even after resrtting the password.
A Google user
Couldn't get past the signin page. It didnt recognize user name or password after several attempts and resets
A Google user
Really great
A Google user
This app is great for designers, architects, building contractors, and DIY people. I've been able to use it for so many things that I have saved a ton of time, and for me that translates to me saving a ton of money. This app is a must have!