Kingdom Craft Idle

Rapid growth and outstanding strategy Idle RPG

Total ratings

3.73 (Rating count: 1,466)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great art style and graphics
  • Fun and addicting gameplay
  • Easy to understand mechanics
  • Frequent bugs and stability issues
  • Progress not saving properly
  • Annoying ad-related problems and forced ads
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and glitches
  • Ads and monetization issues
  • Stability of gameplay and progress
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
Not sure I've played long, but am being asked for a review. So far, the pacing feels off. Feels like every time I click something, something pops up or new content introduced, and often something ad or shop related. Currently I've 3 ad related icons on the screen, 2 of which are recurring. I don't know what RFL is, what the furnace does, how the monster rush works, where the mercenary equipment thing is. Do I even have an inventory? Why am I feeding mercenaries to each other like cannibals?
Anthony Palazzolo
very fun and addicting....had to give 1 star... add wont even load...can't play the game...
erick bullard
fast, fun and easy to understand. Great for anyone with kids.
Another game with really nice art that just so happened to be one of those lousy "idle" games where you upgrade pointless numbers to "fight" enemies with more hp, although it is among the better of these types of games. Imagine if they would use this art style on something fun and creative instead. Yeah, as if...
Justin Osborne
Bought a package and didn't even receive all the items shown. I've tried relogging and searching for support, but they don't even have a link for help. Terrible experience
Hecate Ur
Good game but very unstable gameplay, reducing to 2 stars. It's crazy how one day you're able to clear dungeon stages then the next day you can't. You have to go back 5 stages or else you can't win. It's like one day your characters are strong the next they're nerfed excessively. It feels like it was done intentionally so you will use gems to sweep the stages or fight a lower stage and get a smaller reward.
Gets boring fast too many little elements that don't add anything to the game
Belinda Wolter
Basic and boring, and the blacksmithing minigame (which is the most important mechanic of the entire game) is glitchy.
Wallace Garrett
Update: This game is fun, I enjoy playing it. It's a fun idle game. The only issue I had was with the save mechanism. It doesn't auto-save like it should, so I randomly go into the settings and click the save button to make sure my game is synced to the cloud. But, other than that, I play this game throughout the entire day.
Santiago Zarpado
I just gave it a try. Yest it sais "idle" but it doesn't sais "this game just don't need you. It plays itself just"
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