Benefits Compass

Securely access your company benefits.

Total ratings

1.75 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for Benefits Compass on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.25
All time rating average: 1.75

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75% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
M Fry
Fix the new password validator. It is incorrectly listing missing password requirements. If there are hidden requirements (maximum password length, invalid special characters, or whatever), explicitly list them.
Corbin Spells
Just gets stuck on the initial loading screen. It has been like this for months. Seems like no one is maintaining this app. Do not bother getting this app.
David Cameron
Password expired won't take a new one.
Marley Fisher
Like anything else with our company this doesn't work at all
Debra Barton
Looks like I'm having the same problem that everyone else is. Times out constantly, and can't access the App. Maybe some admins need to address the issue?
Dan Dennis
App does not work on this device. Keep getting "connection timed out" errors. The custom iOS version works OK on my company phone, but I can't link my Fitbit on that app, and I don't want to carry my company phone while walking or jogging. This is in dire need of repair.
Robert Eisenberg
This App requires daily authentication and 4 out of 5 times it times out before you can punch in the authentication code. Why does one have to reauthenticate every day from the same device? When and if you do get in, it's great.
Anthony Bartens
Not working on my Android device. Tried to log in via finger print and eye. No luck.