App Usage Phone

Manage Apps usage & phone addiction with social media tracker & stay focused

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 333)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great user experience and design
  • Accurate tracking of app usage
  • Provides useful information about daily app usage
  • Helps manage screen time and promotes better time management
  • Simple and easy to understand interface
  • Inaccurate or under-calculated app usage times
  • Issues with retrieving historical app usage data
  • Some users reported app malfunctioning or not working properly
  • Limited tracking duration (some users expressed concern about tracking periods)
  • Needs to run in the background for optimal functionality
Most mentioned
  • App usage tracking
  • User interface and design
  • Inaccuracy in timing
  • Historical data retrieval issues
  • Simplicity and usability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.67
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rachel Speed
Edit: it now very much under calculates phone time. Using most up to date version. Time to uninstall Used to be 5 stars, but the timing no longer appears to be accurate and I've had a few cases of it duplicating app timings. Last night it had me on one app for 50 mins twice, wasn't even the right length of time. Edit: previous review was from an updated version of the app. Knocked another star off as the app has calculated more than 5 hours of phone time I did not have today.
Sundar Kurhade
Awesome app with perfect app usage and great User experience.
Barry Foxworth
Great app! Does what it says! 5 stars to buy, to rid ads and an optional black background!
Very clean and well designed app. Lots of useful information. I'd much appreciate a screen to show app usage over time, so that I can identify my least used apps so that I can uninstall them to free space.
Shane Honess
Absolutely terrible I hated it I only got it a week ago and its not working and it hasn't once I absolutely hate I it I highly recommend that you don't get this app it's the worst app I have got so far all year
Domz Anacion
I wanted to use this however it didn't retrieve historical app usage after installation like other similar apps, but that was important for me.
i loved this app. It works really well. I got all features in this app that i needed :). Thank you
Movies 2
I think it is better to have a app like this to track a mobile usage on daily basis.★★★★★
A Google user
This needs to run in the background to show usage data. It does not use android's inbuilt tracking.
A Google user
App usage tracker is the best option for screen tracking and limit your daily usage of your apps and the time you spend on apps. Love the simplicity and usability of the App
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