GFX Tool - Game Booster

GFX Tool - Game Booster! Enjoy gaming with the ultimate GFX Tool!

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 416,979)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Significantly improves gaming performance on low-end devices
  • Effective in reducing lag and enhancing smooth gameplay in Free Fire
  • User-friendly interface and easy to apply settings
  • Helps in achieving better graphics and higher FPS
  • Trusted by users with various devices after initial skepticism
  • Works primarily for Free Fire, leading to misconceptions about multi-game support
  • Some users experience performance issues after several days of use
  • Inconsistent results across different devices
  • Request for more features or compatibility with other games
  • Certain settings do not apply effectively on all devices
Most mentioned
  • Improvements in gaming performance especially for low RAM devices
  • Misleading functionality focused on Free Fire only
  • Need for updates to address performance consistency
  • Requests for increased frame rates and better graphics features
  • Concerns about stability and effectiveness on specific phone models
See reviews for GFX Tool - Game Booster on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.50
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72% (26)
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11% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Amit___ Kumar
Working app nice es app se one tap bhought accha lag raha hai bhai πŸ‘πŸ‘
these app is real my one tap is best in freefire thank you πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’πŸ’‹
Music world
Very misleading name, you should have stated that it only works for freefire! I thought it was a multi gfx tool due to your misleading name selection. I don't need a gfx for free fire
Anusha Kamal
This app is very super my phone is 2 gb ram but this app modified my phone 5 gb ram this app is very good porprmenceπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Muhammad Ali
I personlly use this app.This app is really affective for my device and many other smart phones.I recommended this app for low-end-devices and mid-end-devices because after you activate it your device gives you maximum performance.It's 100% trusted and lag free app
Felix Opoku
this is a very good app because it has help me to play free fire as normal at first free fire was the slowest app on my phone but now it is the faster all because of gfx tool
Ajay Bhandari
App is good but after usinh this app for fews days it cant work properly
franz miguel Arroyo
It's very fast and I love it like my old phone turns into a new phone (this is the Best game booster 😁
App is good before i used this app i wasn't able to play games it was lagging so hard i tried soo many things to fix it but nothing worked and then i found this app at first i thought it was fake but this app really worked there is almost no lag now and i can play free fire smoothly Just the thing i want to know is will it work on other games Thanks to the developers for making soo amazing app
Sulab Pulami
WOW! this tool has brought a huge improvement in my game but a little complain from me is that i feel slow performance while doing other tasks but might be only in my phone's problem. Though its not a big problem, u can allegedly quit the tool while doing other tasks.
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