Brother Mobile Connect

Print, Scan and Copy!

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 87,636)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to install and set up
  • Print quality is generally good
  • Can print from mobile devices easily
  • Some users report good experience with copyright and printing photos
  • Cannot scan documents to PDF, only JPG
  • Connectivity issues with WiFi and printer detection
  • Limited functionality compared to other Brother apps
  • Difficulties in resizing photos and printing options are limited
Most mentioned
  • Connectivity problems and printer detection issues
  • Lack of PDF printing capabilities
  • Poor user interface and confusing setup process
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
You cannot scan documents to pdf, they all have to be jpg, then printed to pdf. This needs to change! It's so simple Brother! Make that option available. You had it with iprint. I am regreting upgrading to this printer. I should have stuck with the old trusted and true one.
Chicquita MB Crawford
seems fine. I'm printing from a different room. I don't hear it printing. I wanted to save the file and print later just in case it didn't print, but don't seem to see the option. will try another way Still trying to get some reasonable use out of this printer. Definitely my least favorite in my many years of IT. Unable to save info in PDF format when online. Still unable to send or receive a fax. Ink is extremely expensive and is used up due to an auto cleaning process. Can't find help.
Leandro Lopez
The software to set up the printer is terrible and it will never improve because Brother and other major printer manufacturers don't have any incentive to provide a good user experience. It bugs out more often than not when trying to connect the printer with the WiFi, while trying to get me to subscribe to their ink program. Do not recommend Brother products.
Alan Mulkey Sr
It works fantastic! Super easy to install, select your printer from available devices, and you're ready to Rock & Roll! One thing I did decide to do was set my default printer as grayscale, rather than full on color. I did so to save on my color toner cartridges from needlessly being used up on color background objects. A huge money saver, indeed.
The app sucks. First of all, it doesn't have where you can print both sides to save on ink & paper. Second, it keeps coming up with an error Everytime i try to print something. Needs to be updated & fixed because i cant use anything else to print with. I pay to be able to print & i cant even do that most of the time. Thank you. Please listen to the reviews on here or i will contact you directly & it wont be very nice if i have to😑😑
Victoria Thornber
Worked absolutely fine up until yesterday. Today it's completely refusing to connect to the phone that it knows is there. Nothing has changed. I've spent the whole afternoon uninstalling and reinstalling everything to no avail. Exceptionally difficult to set up in the first place... The printer is now completely useless as we use it for tablets and PCs. Edited to add, it's no use keep replying to comments with please contact us ... There's clearly an issue that needs a fix!
If I need one page printed out of a 50 page PDF, it's faster for me to drive to Staples, return the printer, and transcribe it by hand. Loads every page individually before giving the option to pick a range. It does everything the print option in Adobe Acrobat does (but at a tenth of the speed), and as a bonus it keeps trying to get you to buy an ink subscription.
Blake Herring
20 years as a software engineer and I have to say hats off to the devs of this app. The interface is simple and the scan payload is a straightforward PDF format. Makes me want to use the scanner again. Finding the printer is easy and I don't experience printer narcolepsy (won't wake-up). Only thing I found disappointing was the `feedback` section only had problems, no room for kudos. Here's five stars...until the next release. 😁
David Druckenmiller
Their printers are the best in the business, but this app cannot find it. Their iPrint&Scan app finds the printer quickly, but doesn't know what to do with it and tells me I have to use this app instead. Luckily, I happen to know the IP and entered it manually and then this app can figure it out. Also, this app has so many dark patterns trying trick the user into signing up for things they don't need and probably don't want. It's pretty shady. The printer itself is amazing though, as always.
Ashish Jain
I tried so many times but the machine would not get added to the app. Everything else went smoothly but just the last step is giving me nightmares. I uninstalled the app and re- installed it. Restarted phone, computer , printer everything but still no luck. I hope it's a bug that brother look into asap.
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