Go Outdoors IA

Official App of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources - GoOutdoorsIowa.com

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 183)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful information about campgrounds and hunting/fishing
  • Ability to access licenses digitally
  • Convenient for locating lost licenses
  • Useful tool for outdoor enthusiasts
  • App is slow and clunky
  • Issues with input fields and data entry
  • Difficulty in updating account information
  • Maps and location services are unreliable
Most mentioned
  • App performance issues (slow, clunky)
  • Problems with entering and updating personal information
  • Difficulties with maps and current location features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.29
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jimmie Daugherty
This app appears to have been designed by some politicians idiot junior high student. It is clunky, painfully slow, and overall a pain to use. It is faster to just go to the dnr website.
Tim Horning
App should allow campers to pay for campsites after they arrive, since carrying a checkbook has become obsolete and rarely do I have the right cash for the iron ranger. The app doesn't have anything camping-wise at all which is curious and disappointing.
Simple app. I find the fact that I can't easily find a way to keep an offline copy of my license in the app annoying. It is also kindof clunky.
greg cory
App is ok, but really needs the ability to store the harvest tag/registration numbers so the user can just look up the tag rather than having to type in all the digits and then do a lookup.
Melissa Edwards
Used to love the app - big fan of having sun/moon rise and set info. Now that option errors out every time I try and use it. Have uninstalled then reinstalled and restarted my phone to no avail.
Worst app ever. Screen won't allow you to see anything you enter. Tried rotating phone as well. Horrible app and very inconvenient.
Christopher Curtis
I'm extremely grateful and happy to be able to have the option to download and install the Go Outdoors Iowa App. Its everything you need and want to do for your experiences that is important for your future as a fully qualified individual to be a successful individual in the Outdoors environment that provides valuable resources for all aspects of life. I highly recommend this Application for an opportunity at a chance to learn how your Outdoors experiences will make you a successful outdoorsman
Heath rodgers
Hopeful but keyboard doesn't pop up to enter info for purchasing anything , it's the DNR website in general tried outside the app as well
Brian “Q-ball” Jones
Love having the DNR APP on my phone, it gives you so much info that i can't even keep up with it. It really helps knowing where the campgrounds are and which ones are operated by Corps of Engineers and others. Love it
Katie G
Super helpful when DNR comes. My boyfriend lost his license but DNR said he could install the app to try and find it. He found it in a few seconds avoided a ticket
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