Reviews of Go Outdoors NC

List of user reviews and ratings for Go Outdoors NC

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 140)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and convenient for checking regulations and licenses
  • Helpful for hunting and fishing
  • Contains all necessary information in one place
  • Ability to update licenses and registrations without visiting shops
  • Good for quickly loading licenses
  • App frequently crashes or doesn't load on certain devices
  • Not intuitive and difficult to navigate
  • Fails to display licenses and tags correctly
  • Slow loading times for certain sections of the app
  • Needs improvement in functioning offline and syncing issues
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty in navigation
  • Crashes and loading issues
  • Convenience of accessing regulations and licenses
  • Problems with syncing and displaying licenses
  • User experience complaints regarding updates and glitches
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Go Outdoors NC on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.13
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Rating filters

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32% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Lloyd Proffitt
Good and easy to use
Brian Cleveland
Very helpful for hunting and fishing!
Richard Marks
Only works about 75%of the time
App won't load on Android, Galaxy S24 Ultra. Opens to green home page then never does anything else.
They're always putting extra calls on the fishing and hunting people
Max Trenkle
It's a great app but when I go to look at my tags they don't show up. They are listed on my licenses page but not on the report page of the app?
Rob Paschal
Not very clear on how to navigate this app. Also was shoveling products that I did not want in my face. Finally when I was ready to purchase it was glitching out and would not work. Also it was charging a 5 dollar processing fee. I'll just purchase on the website like I normally do.
Piano Player
Easy to use and convenient
Ken Hodges
Worked great for getting my annual tags, HIP, etc. but I can't renew my Resident Trappin license for some reason.
Caleb Roland
Love the app for quick checking of rules, regs, etc. But anyone else wondering about the regs being updated for 24-25 season? My app still has 23-24 season.
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