Braindom: Brain Games Test

Looking for brain games, smart mind tests, puzzles and riddles? Solve them all

Total ratings

4.84 (Rating count: 1,895,208)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging puzzles that can be enjoyable and brain-stimulating.
  • Variety in puzzle types, including some drawing and trivia.
  • Ability to earn hints and rewards after completing levels.
  • Excessive number of ads, significantly impacting gameplay experience.
  • Long duration of ads after completing very short puzzles.
  • Issues with game functionality, including freezing and difficulty progressing.
Most mentioned
  • Frequency and length of ads negatively affect enjoyment.
  • The game's fun factor is overshadowed by ad interruptions.
  • Gameplay is interrupted frequently, leading to frustration.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.84
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47% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
I've played a few other "IQ" type games but this one so far has been my favorite. It has the perfect amount of difficulty without it being overly easy or too hard. It gets your mind really thinking and shares tidbits of knowledge after so many levels played. Definitely a 10/10! I just saw some of the other reviews about the ads, I pay for the Game Pass, which this game is part of, and thus far haven't had a single ad play.
Pearl Sandusky
Too many ads. After every single level, for hints, rewards, etc, etc, etc!!! You can't even play the game long enough to see if you enjoy it or not, before ANOTHER ad pops up. AND they always come in two's. 2 ads at one time. Too many ads makes game Not fun - at all!! Uninstalled!!
Laura Monroe
Okay I don't know what game everybody else is playing but I didn't have a bunch of ads in a matter of 15 minutes and I played all the way up to level 33. There wasn't a single add in the game I wasn't asked to put any money into the game it was actually kind of cute, simple but cute. I actually only came on here to tell the developer something. I used brains for hints on level 32 because I refuse to do it. In order to skip I had to use a hint. I had already solved it it was disgusting!
Heidi Georges
I don't like the puzzles. Never fails every single time. I think it is complete , it never lets me move on . I don't know what it is looking for . It won't let me move the prices a certain way , so they overlap . I try to exit from the puzzles and move on to the next one, and it keeps bringing me back to the same puzzles each time . I'm about to get rid of this game . Also, I have tried using the hints, and they show for a split second it never is useful to me .
Don't believe a high rating! This is one of those apps that ask for rating after 30 seconds of play, and there doesn't seem to be any way out, except to give it one. I gave it one to play on but am going from a 5 to 1. And guess why-- the ads. I'm fine with an app developer making money but I'm not interested in contributing to a million dollar yacht. After only about 2 minutes of play I had already been hit with 7 or 8 ads. Game is also mediocre. Uninstalling!!!!!
Bobby Lapanja
Ads, ads, ads!!!The game is pretty fun but the ads are just ridiculous and frustrating!! Sure u can pay $3.49 for no ads but honestly if u really like the game and don't wanna pay, u will uninstall it because of the frequency of ads. I'll take a few ads because it's business, but THIS IS RIDICULOUS Edit: can't do it anymore with all these ads. UNINSTALL!! Fun game to waste time too. Shame!!
Wicked Basket
Here are the problems: 1. There's an ad after every level. 2. You need brains (in game currency)to proceed to the next level but you can only get brains if you watch an ad after you beat a level and watch an ad first. 3. If you don't watch the ads to get brains after completing a level and manditorily watching the ads you can not advance to the next level. 4. There are ads during the level as well. Too many ads. Otherwise fun to play but Uninstalling until problems are fixed.
Tadja Dragoo
I got to level 16 then couldn't go any further. There's not a way to select an answer. I don't know if this is a bug, or the ad banner at the bottom of the screen is blocking the choices. There's not a way to skip the level. It keeps telling me to get a hint, which requires watching another ad, and I suspect another ad to skip. About 20% game to 80% ads - you even get an ad going to the Home screen! Pixel 6 Android 14
Tabatha Ruehle (Tabby)
It is rather fun, and since I have Play Pass, I have no worry for ads. The only complaint I have is the touch registration for some levels. If I used a hint to show me a way to solve the puzzle, I would tap my screen or swipe or whatever on/around the object, but it wouldn't move or anything
Molly M
This could be great but it sucks terribly b/c of all the ads- After every single level, you have to go through minutes of ads.. Only getting to play thirty seconds or so and then having to wait several minutes to play the next level- I would have even considered buying out and doing an ad free version if I even got a chance to really test the game. But this is just a aggravating waste of time due to the ads. I un-installed after 15 mins and getting nowhere.
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