Boxstorm Inventory

Cloud-Based Inventory Management System

Total ratings

3.17 (Rating count: 61)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Application is constantly updated with new features and quality of life changes.
  • Simple, easy to use.
  • Great for small business inventory.
  • Even the free version has a ton of functionality.
  • Hard to log in or create an account.
  • App crashes upon opening.
  • Not optimized for Android, works better on Apple.
  • Limited scanning capabilities and product database.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with login and account creation.
  • Crashing and performance problems on Android.
  • Need for additional features like multiple images and better sorting.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.17
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Date Author Rating Comment
Application is constantly updated with new features and quality of life changes. Hoping vendors gets implemented soon.
Chris R
Have a subscription starting to implement and you can only scan a upc code can't scan items off the SKU...
Kenny Germoso
Too expensive
A Google user
App works great on Apple, but barely loads anything on Android. I'm running the current version of Boxstorm on the most up-to-date Android OS . Half of my inventory went load when I go to Item, and even still for the half that does load initially I can't Edit the Items because that page won't load either. App needs some serious optimization for Android, but.all these features work well on Apple.
A Google user
Not for South Africa.....?!?
A Google user
Mostly fantastic, simple to use, great looking app, though waiting for a few features to be added which are available on the web version. I entered my inventory in a snap and created my first sales order in minutes. What a wonderful world we live in when something this great is free!!
A Google user
will you add support for Multiple images,I can only take one with an app now
A Google user
immediately hard to use and not intuitive on any way
A Google user
i make a account then it says login with username but i never got to use a username
A Google user
After creating an account, it then asks me to login with a Username. A Username which I was never given the opportunity to create ..login failed
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