Reviews of InterpretManager

List of user reviews and ratings for InterpretManager

Total ratings

3.74 (Rating count: 107)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and reliable
  • Convenient for remote interpretation
  • Useful options for communication
  • Good app for 3-way interpretation services
  • App fails to load or crashes
  • Login issues, including errors with username and password
  • Technical problems after updates causing lost appointments
  • Lack of features such as on-demand options and time confirmation
Most mentioned
  • App not loading or crashing
  • Login difficulties
  • Request for additional features/options
  • Issues with booking and scheduling
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.74
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Rating filters

5 star
33% (7)
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19% (4)
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19% (4)
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29% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Efraín Abreu
Won't even start in my device.
Christian Mbazumutima
Very convenient to use as remote Interpreter while on the phone 🤳
Jen White
Easy to use and reliable
Wendy Zertuche
I use the app for my job and it's good, but I just wish that the app had an option to change from one interpreter company to another that way I could see my appointments in the app. As of right now, I have to go to the website instead of the app.
Mario Galvez
Sometimes, when I answer a call, it stays as if loading up nonstop.
Beautiful Affair
READ THIS REVIEW FOR YOUR OWN SECURITY ❗ I really like this app. My job required to use it for years. But I recently got a new security app for blocking trackers and it's shown me that this app either tracks or allows other companies to track a huge list of identifiers about me & my phone. Microsoft has been blocked from tracking through Pandora 197 times in the past hour. 8 don't use Microsoft apps. Why would InterpretManager even allow any third parties (several) me through their app??
Natalia Graff
Easy communication interpreter to any places 👍
Irina Zagoskina
Lots of unsolved issues. Impossible to work with after today's update. Update.13.06.2023. Still lots of issues. Lost job appointments couple of times because of applications technical faults. Need improvement and technical department attention
Marwan Al
I don't know what's going on with this app. The phone call will drop after 10 or 13 minutes it's so bad I hope they fix the issue.
Elvira Ngonyo
Excellent app for a 3-way interpretation service.
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