English Grammar Exercises Test

12000+ free Learning English Grammar Exercises Test with answers for all levels.

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 1,789)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for beginners
  • High-quality exercises and quizzes
  • Great explanations for grammar rules
  • Free and comprehensive
  • Helps improve English grammar skills
  • Frequent ads that disrupt the learning experience
  • Desire for more theory explanations and content
  • Issues with bugs or navigation like missing exit button
  • Need for additional language translations and advanced questions
Most mentioned
  • Ads are disturbing
  • Useful for learning and practicing grammar
  • Requests for more content and features
  • App provides a good range of grammar exercises
  • Need for improved UI features like font size
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.77
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Date Author Rating Comment
prasad garapati
It is so nice learning and l can improve my grammar marks but ads are more disturbing do so l have 1 problem with that
It is fantastic app for learning, testing and enhancing our English grammar at zero cost. Thank you for the developers! It would helful if font size increasing facility.
Muhammed Shuhaib
it's very good apps . but I have a small request to you. because we need a malayalam and other indian local language translation. it's helpful beginners.
Abuaxlaam Aidid
Still, it's nice up, the waye of making quizzes and tell grammar things by making good understanding and laying down to write it.
Best app ever. It has enough exercises for each topic
Sanyu Nabyonga
Very very reliable I love 💕 the explanations down Have really learnt a lot. For example subject pronouns perform an action in the sentence. Funny I didn't know that
Useful app to improve grammer skills. One suggestion is to add option to share the test scores with others
Nagendra kumar sharma
it is very good app, it helps to improve avoid grammatical problems
Muhammad Riaz
Number of questions should be increased.Writing is too thin.It should be in a clear big font.Advanced levels C1 and C2 questions should also be included.
Messiya and Evaneya Neil
Super cool app I can learned grammar from this app.I just use this app only for 2 days and I learnt past tenses, present tense I love it thank you so much
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