BlueGolf Scorecard

The BlueGolf Scorecard app is the ultimate game-development app for avid golfers

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for BlueGolf Scorecard on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 4.07

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Date Author Rating Comment
mike henry
not neccessarilly a review for the scorecard, however it appears that a similar problem exists. I have several unfinishd games a cannot finish/delete them.
Hockey Brothers 18 83
Very helpful
fred yonemoto
Spent 2 hours trying to sign in for my tee time. Last time I asked the tournament director to assign me a favorable time. This time I'll just wait to see where I end up. I WILL NOT SIGN UP FOR ADDITIONAL TOURNAMENTS.
Brian Herrington
Pretty much useless. Scorecard still shows that a round needs to be finalized, but just opens a blank page when I click on the round. Played around with another card and selected to delete the round. It no longer shows in the app, but shows up in my online account. Don't waste your time.
A Google user
Great app!! All you need when playing a round of golf! Great job BlueGolf