Bloomberg: Finance Market News

World News On Finance, Business, Economics, Stock Market & Investment Portfolio

Total ratings

3.87 (Rating count: 78,939)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good quality news content
  • Access to investigative reports
  • Regular updates and multiple daily emails on various topics
  • Frequent app crashes and instability
  • Intrusive ads and poor ad management
  • Difficulty in managing subscriptions and unclear cancellation process
  • Poor user experience with navigation and features (like lack of dark mode and video playback issues)
Most mentioned
  • App crashes frequently
  • Annoying ads and ad controls
  • Subscription management issues
  • Good content but poor app usability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.87
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45% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Garrett S
Too many problems to list, a nearly worthless subscription. Additionally, they tried to charge me $329 on a "Automatic" Renewal I never agreed to. I had figured out it was set on auto renewal during the first year and I had unsubscribed but it still auto-renewed. I had to take a significant amount of time to dispute the charge (... even though I was certain i had unsubscribed during the initial discounted year). I will try to avoid buying anything from Bloomberg in the future.
Brandon Gum
Video playback is awful. Buggy. Casting is awful. Doesn't work. Cycles back and forth between restarting the video. I'm paying y'all $400 a yr and you cant get basic video streaming correct? Come on Also, It's the age of AI and you don't have a way to listen to an article rather than read. You offer listening to an article on maybe 1 in 20. Very robotic sounding. Additionally, when you do listen to an article there are no playback controls. No speed control. Do better. Very disappointed.
Jeff Gabel
This is an update to my original 2 star review: The overall content and organization was, and still is, solid. The app has been much improved overall! The inline ads are still annoying, and also cause scrolling to hang at times. But, I have been using this app for long while and it is nice to see the improvement over time.
Kamy Singer
Content worth the 1.99 for the first 4 months, but it's definitely not worth 34.99 per month that you will pay after that. It's not simple to cancel. I wanted to cancel, but as it was not straightforward, I procrastinated. I'm trying now, but it seems possible only via phone. I bet most people take on the full effort to cancel only after they see the 34.99 charge... good strategy, Bloomberg
Eli Hayon
For 350 a year this is a terrible application. I cannot dispute how good the news is which is why I pay for it. I consume the news daily from Bloomberg and I love it. This app is terrible though. The UI is ok but not great. Saved articles are only on my device not on the website. I cannot cast video without it stuttering. Video has 14 second ads I cannot skip which is absurd considering I pay a fee already. The app's sharing behavior is inconsistent and it gets stuck in strange states. Lacking.
Paul Pedersen
The articles are good, but the app crashes constantly, like every five minutes. I'm reading along, then poof! It's gone. That never happens with any other app. Also, there are very many ads, and they are quite intrusive. Disappointing for such an expensive subscription.
Julia T
This app is a joke. After I downloaded it, as soon as I started searching for stocks, it crashed. So, I opened it again... Same thing. I uninstalled it then reinstalled it, but it still crashes when I do anything shortly after opening. Guess I'll just stick with my normal trading platform since this one appears to be developed by grade school kids. 🙄
TJ Seemann
Essentially useless. I like that they cover stories others don't, and on the rare occasion I can actually read a story, they seem well curated and balanced. But nearly every time I try to open a story it tells me I've already met the month's quota, even if I haven't used the app in months. It's useless as a news app if you can't read the news. I only use it for headline alerts now, which I then read on other mediums.
My Name
Bloomberg News is great, but the app needs work. For starters, add a dark mode; also, if I click on a headline notification, it will often take me to the last article I read, then I have to go searching for the article I wanted; and why am I seeing so many intrusive ads pop up, when I'm already paying you? I expect better for how much a subscription costs. I really like what you do from a journalistic perspective. Please don't become irrelevant by exploiting loyal customers. Invest in improving.
Manu P
The app has no dark mode. Big No-No in today's day&age! The app has no video PIP - so I am stuck in it. They should take inspiration from YouTube's PIP allowing one to switch over to another app to read other news in app, or take notes in another app while watching the Live TV. The app's ads are a problem. It starts with 6-10 ads but it horrible because the button of 'Skip ads' has no effect. 😂 The ads are repeated again if you had to leave app, go to another app and come back. 😂
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