Reviews of BlissHome

List of user reviews and ratings for BlissHome

Total ratings

1.73 (Rating count: 273)

Review summary

  • The actual lights are beautiful and work well when connected properly.
  • Easy to connect in some cases, especially initially.
  • Offers various light settings and automation options, including timers and quick options to control the light.
  • Frequent connectivity issues, particularly with WiFi and Bluetooth.
  • Limited functionality and unresponsive features, like brightness control and custom scene retention.
  • App requires excessive permissions and location tracking, which users find intrusive.
Most mentioned
  • Connectivity problems (especially with 5GHz WiFi and Bluetooth)
  • Frustrating app interface and lack of proper documentation
  • Inconsistent behavior of custom scenes and brightness settings.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 1.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kristin Horn
Terrible app super hard to control what you want. I wanted to be able to switch what theme my evolve is using based on the time of day with the schedule but the app is so lacking in function you can't do that. It's also hard to program the light with the terrible settings. It makes me wish I would have gotten a different light than the evolve that has a functional app. If you are thinking about getting an evolve light, don't. The app is the only way to control it and it's nothing but painful.
Elle S
I have an older bliss light 2.0, and my phone was stolen. So I went to re download the App when I got a new phone. I tried scanning the QR Code on the bottom of my light that promised to link me the app, but it gave me an error page. I tried looking up the website to get it, but the legacy app wasn't downloading. So I tried the only one on the play store, thinking you integrated/updated the app, and it will not find or connect with my light. I'm upset because now I cannot really use my light
Sam Wiewel
Works well enough but the part that ruins it is that the custom scenes brightness levels for each color seem to reset each day. As a result you have to go in and click edit on your custom scene and it will automatically lower the brightness. You have to do this each day or when you go to bed it's far too bright on the ceiling. Really ruins the product, because you typically want the same scene when you go to bed each night and don't want to have to mess with your phone each night.
Painted Sandwich2
Yeah, this app is pretty horrible honestly. Don't get me wrong , the lights are beautiful. But it won't do a simple Bluetooth connection (it's a galaxy light, it doesn't need wifi) even then, this thing won't connect to the internet. Honestly the light on Amazon is great, but this app is scummy, and it's false advertising. I have sensory issues and bought this light to help me sleep. Now, I have to probably return it because you guys wanna cheat pepole out of their money and data. Thanks.
Sadie Jenora
It doesn't connect to anything. I sat with my router for probably an hour & a half trying every single method of connecting my device and it refuses to connect to my router. Why have the weird 2.4 setting??And WHY have it connect to the wifi instead of to your phone, like any other regular Bluetooth device?? This light is not user friendly at all. Thankfully it is a gift for a kid and they won't even know that it changes colors.. but WOW, this is terrible interfacing.
Angie Forrester
This is the best currently of all types of similar product. Cons Initial setup is convoluted. Location access not needed to function. No memory retention when power cycled (smart plug) unless u solely use the app schedule function. Custom scenes are currently limited to 8 color patterns. Suggestions: memory retention when power cycling, and accurate star constellation pattern Update Feb 2024: the schedule function recently stopped working out of nowhere. tried reinstalling/resetting no avail
Michael Vayakornvichit
easy to connect but settings are weird. themes do not allow for brightness settings, but automation does, but does not allow color cycling or theme selection. I wish the themes would allow for brightness adjustments or automation being able to choose a theme to use. there's no real documentation or explanations at all which makes it very difficult to get the lights exactly how I want it. tap to run does not work. light randomly turns on to full blast sometimes. developers are unresponsive in app
Holly Broughton
I would love if this app connected to music apps to sync the light show. There are a lot of settings that are very similar to each other so the app is difficult to navigate at first. wifi connection was a whole process because apparently 5G Internet isn't compatible with bliss lights but only had to connect once. Unrelated but they sent me a free T-shirt because i bought from their site directly.
Amber Ramsey
In a word this app is frustrating. Spent 2 days trying again and again to connect to the device to hopefully be able to customize the colors and brightness but I can't even get it connected to see the app's features. Super disappointing. I'll be unimstalling as soon as I finish writing this 😞
Vox M
The app updated to use a different gigahertz of WiFi for no reason and now I can't connect to my device at all. I'm not changing my whole freaking WiFi for a light projector. I shouldn't need to have my wifi, my location, AND my Bluetooth all on to connect. I wish I could return the device but it was a gift. Even before the update I would constantly have to reconnect my device, which was a pain in the butt. Make a better product that just works and isn't trying to do a million fancy things.
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