Bird ID - Picture Identifier

Identify bird by photo or sound, song and call us. Bird atlas in the world.

Total ratings

3.05 (Rating count: 1,486)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use interface
  • Some success in identifying birds (up to 60% accuracy)
  • Excessive advertisements including graphic and pornographic content
  • Poor identification accuracy for local birds
  • Aggressive prompts to upgrade to premium, making it hard to use for free
  • Slow to load and causes frustration in urgent identification situations
Most mentioned
  • Inappropriate ads showing pornographic content
  • Too many ads making the app unusable
  • Aggressive upsell for premium subscription
  • Poor performance in bird identification
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Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 3.05
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Date Author Rating Comment
Faith Dreamer
Instead and removed. Too many ads
Megan Rentmeester
I first opened the app in hope of figuring out which bird was annoying me at night and then after exing out premium and the add, pornographic images popped up. I am 15 and was greatly disturbed at what I saw when I was simply trying to discover a bird.
steven parvin
I signed up for the free trial and the first time I used it, which was with my kids, my results were pornographic. I'm just glad my kids weren't looking at my phone.
Catherine Dorney
I downloaded to identify bird songs and there were adds that popped up and then a full on porno shot. I took a screenshot this site needs to be taken down. Went to site support and there is nothing there. Ridiculous I cant report this
Darren Lee
The worst kind of app, do not trust this data harvesting app!
Yousaf Shaikh
This app is extremely slow to load. By the time it loads, the birds are gone. Trash!
Lizzie Whitaker
Pornographic images on front screen - uninstalled immediately! I downloaded and opened this app with my 4 year old son while on a nature walk. On the main screen was an image of a lady being effed from behind. The image was repeated 5 times down the screen and was taken as if the photographer was lying on the ground so you saw absolutely everything, like everything! Seriously, photography skills aside, this is not something that should be on a bird sound app that kids can see!
Jocelyn Porciello
Dont bother with this one..If I could give it 0 stars I would. I opened the app and immediately its an ad. Continue to the app and then I'm asked to create an account however its way too much money. I hit the 'x' at the top and then was asked to rate the app which i did not at that point and just hit the 'x' again and the next thinf i know there is a porn ad that popped up!!!! Literally showing it ALL!!! Why tf would a bird identifying app have porn ads?!?!!??!
Rachel Peake
Advert for pornographic material with very graphic images appeared within the app.
Phil Calvano
beware, just ads. don't bother
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