conquer the state

Conquer the world in cell expansion wars. Conquest with dots. Strategy war game

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 344)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy and enjoyable to play
  • Fun and addictive gameplay
  • Less ads compared to similar games like
  • Ads interrupt gameplay frequently
  • Lack of challenging levels or points
  • Broken enemy targeting mechanics
Most mentioned
  • Advertisements
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Customization options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.33
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Rating filters

5 star
43% (9)
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19% (4)
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24% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Selvam Selvam
Frist time playing the games starting the video to want playing this game's & more data losses..
Matari Grace
Definitely a game worth getting. Easy, free and highly enjoyable! You should add a way to stop your planes if you accidentally send them. Tapping on the country maybe? And pvp in real countries instead of random areas could be cool
Gadi praveen
Super fantastic game
Dondon Bandoles
Uhh pls add that you can choose a country that you like
Anuragini sharma
Excellent, but make choices for colors by ourselves for planet 👍
Woot Zors
Ads start immediately after rating. Ads happen if you lock your screen. Same strategy every time, once ai moves, attack old spot win every time. Lame
Ulises Fuentes gonzalez
I love this game, a little bit of ads, but it's 👍, 4 stars 🌟
Juan carlos Sanchez
It is very fun but you should add country ball skins so that way this game would stick out from other games like this.
Teo Ivanovski
Very good game ads alot remove pls
Ahmed Zabir
It would be better if you let us choose any of the area we desire to play for in the game. Love this game
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