Roman Empire

Conquer the Europe as a new Caesar of the Roman Empire

Total ratings

3.69 (Rating count: 587)

Review summary

  • Challenging gameplay that encourages strategic thinking
  • Fun and engaging with a nostalgic feel for older players
  • Polished graphics and entertaining concept
  • Responsive developers who are engaged with the community
  • High difficulty level, especially in later stages
  • Excessive ads that disrupt gameplay and create frustration
  • AI can be frustratingly difficult
  • Slow level progression and lack of meaningful strategy
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty level is too high or frustrating
  • Excessive ads and monetization pressure
  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Criticism of AI behavior and level design
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.69
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Date Author Rating Comment
Amanda Cain
I wonder why so much people like this game and why I hate it so much I mean it's not all bad it's just too hard. 1st of all when the other kingdom is done with it's part the kingdom doesn't even do that. Instead they attack your land not aim at the big base in the south. 2nd of all there isn't any actual nation controlling or morale for it to be more realistic. 3rd of all there is no actual nation to be attacking. Of course there is yellow but they stay there. Don't install this
FP Villegas
It's similar to those other tower/city conquering games. Fun but a bit stressful.
Minitoon Ball
A Very Nice Game but the AI is too Hard is Frustrates me and Angers me it's just Annoying Add Creative Mode or Difficulty on the Settings this Games to Hard can't Even Reach to Lvl 4
Boring, slow and historical inaccurate in invasion paths as well as fights not making any sense like you are surrounded when I control land on one of the sides I am surrounded on
amar hadzihajdarevic
Not bad idea, but, u are so hungry for money that after u play few tables u just can't pres ok on adds disable offer, it block and won't let you continue, so don't bother to download it's not woth it...
Even when offline, the annoying "support jacek" window still pops up and stops me from playing. I have to force reboot the game just to play another game, but the window just won't quit. It's a good game. I like it but the pop ups ruined it. Nope.
Rony Zoramsanga
Why do you keep telling us to remove the adds and support you,you intentionally made it full of adds so it becomes unbearable and we will be forced to support you,I will not play it anymore,you disgust me
I really enjoy the game, its hard but it means you think so I like it. Though some time is a bit bland, so maybe you can make it so you can upgrade the towns and citys to have walls that make it require more troops to capture and archers that shoot down enemy troops, something to make it more action packed
SpecIT RiseIT
Super fun. Simple rules but challenging. This is the strategy game I was looking for.
Blackface Al-Basri
It is a fun game. I didn't expect a game to be interacting with asking me to review him but here i am.
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