Reviews of Belong

List of user reviews and ratings for Belong

Total ratings

2.94 (Rating count: 3,210)

Review summary

  • Good value for money and service compared to other providers
  • The recent updates have improved login issues
  • Ability to manage account features like adding data and changing plans
  • App frequently logs users out requiring multiple logins including two-factor authentication
  • Slow loading times and overall poor performance
  • Interface is cluttered and not user-friendly, making it hard to find necessary information
Most mentioned
  • App crashes or fails to load after initial setup
  • Issues with login persistence and MFA requirements
  • Poor functionality while trying to activate accounts or transfer numbers
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.94
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Rating filters

5 star
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17% (4)
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58% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Brad Yuen
A very useless app as each time you sign out you have to go through the set up process again as your account information isn't saved. Then after doing that it doesn't even load the main tab or page within the app. It sits there 'loading a webpage'. A complete waste of time when it is just easier to login to the actual website and get this information. DON'T WASTE TIME - DON'T INSTALL
Allan Taylor
This app used to work on my phone now it won't open. Thinking of changing provider.
gabrielle conaghty
It's harder to log in. i used to be able to use a 4 digit code. But now needs a full password each time.
Ross Macpherson
Just updated & won't open keeps saying app keeps closing! Can't reupdate is it safe to uninstall reinstall without losing my accrued data benefits?
Viraj Rodrigo
Don't trust this absolute rubbish service! I'm with Belong at the moment and trying to transfer my number to another provider but Belong won't allow the porting message to sent for the number transfer. I've been using my number over 10years, their so called "specialist team" said they'll fix it within 7 business days, yet didn't even send an email. Once you transfer your existing number to Belong, they won't allow you to keep your num ber with a different provider later on!
Nicholas Bannan
Horrible product, telstra network but never more then 2 bars, 2010 level phone connection of that. I'm trying to type this review on it and it's taken 2 minutes to load.
John Fraser
Was good but has now stopped working and I can't login while overseas. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't fix the problem. OPPO Reno8 lite. Edit - I've found that this is because the app needs access to the SMS part of the phone and just loops on the login page if in airplane mode, despite having wifi turned on. Bit of a design flaw in the app given that you can get the MFA code via email.
Mile High Magic
The recent update solved a lot of log in issues, so it gets 4 stars from me. App works extremely well. There's only 1 thing belong lacks and that is they don't have long expiry prepaid options like other telcos, and I can't understand why. If Belong implemented a long expiry option on their prepaid accounts, they would have alot of satisfied customers.
Aidan C
Went with Belong for my phone. They were fine there. I then began using them for Data. It's been an atrocious experience. Started off alright, but after a few months it became nearly non-functional. I had to stop Uni because I couldn't connect to any of my lectures with this pos internet. This went on for months with no help. Mysteriously, it would begin working again around 6pm. This is a company that throttles your internet connection until they feel like turning it back on, hard avoid.
Ned Kelly
It's a clumsy app which currently doesn't work. It seems the biggest priority of the app is to upgrade upgrade upgrade. I,d just like to get into my account. I,ve upped it one star because it worked and it seems the Devs are listening as I got a quick response to my issues. So thankyou. Once it stops unlogging me and selling me stuff I,ll look for if I needed I,ll up my rating. I,ll check it again in 6 months.
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