Music Album Editor

Update your music album info. Change the song title, artist, album name.

Music Album Editor - Edit Your Music Album Info

"Music Album Editor" is an Android app designed to help you update and fix your music album information. It enables users to edit song titles, artists, album names, genres, and ID3 tags for their MP3 files. With features like generating album art, merging and unmerging songs, and the ability to undo recent changes, this app is perfect for managing your music collection seamlessly. Enhance your music experience today with Music Album Editor!
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App stats

By: beka
Downloads: 1,037,065
Version: VARY (Last updated: 2019-07-25)
Creation date: 2014-05-16
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as intended for basic labeling tasks
  • User found it useful despite some limitations
  • Easy to use
  • Poor image quality for album art
  • App causes loss of music files or makes them unusable
  • Frequent crashes or app stopping unexpectedly
  • Limited editing capabilities for songs
  • Frustrating user experience due to ads and functionality issues
Most mentioned
  • Issues with image quality
  • Problems with saving edits
  • App instability and crashes
  • Loss of recorded audio or music files
User reviews
Man I'm soooooo unsatisfied with this app!!!!!!! I want my recordings back! I recorded some freestyles and I wanted to fix the titles for my music album BUT YOUR APP DELETE ALL MY FREESTYLES!!!!! Help !!!
by Brian Aboytes., 2023-02-23

it's not too shabby. straight to the point. however, the music titles always appear extremely blurry, and of low quality as well. other than that, it's really good. me like 👍🏻
by c r i s t a l, 2023-02-11
View all user reviews

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