Geography: Flags Quiz Game

Geography: Test knowledge of capitals, flags, countries... Learn flags quiz!

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 19,867)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and educational game
  • Good for learning geography
  • User-friendly interface
  • Can be played offline
  • Offers coins for right answers to unlock features
  • App crashes at higher levels
  • Some questions and facts may be inaccurate
  • Questions can be repetitive
  • Small countries not highlighted properly on the map
  • Lacks content for advanced learners
Most mentioned
  • Issues with app crashing
  • Desire for more geographic details and facts
  • Repetitive questions
  • Need for additional geographical content
  • Missing countries in the quiz options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Comment
Daniela Machado
Very interesting and educational game. I was looking for something like this exactly. No five stars cause it needs the ability to zoom out in the maps when answering the trivia. Some islands in the middle of nowhere are hard to pin point if you blink and miss where the map moved to
Mauricio Mesquita
I like your app so much that I am on Level 91, but Ireland, and Australia and New Zealand's external territories are not there. I will be very happier if you add them! :D
June Hendrix-Sun
I gave five stars because I think it's fun to play. But now I made it 3 stars because the app crashed when I was at level 90 something. It turned completely dark. Nothing worked. I had to uninstall and install again. All my history is gone. Frustrating. Update: since my history was wiped off, I started over. Same thing happened again: at 90 something level, the app turned completely dark. Can someone from the app help?
hailey powers
I just started but its a good app, but the questions do repeat themselves sometimes. They do apologize for the ads which is a nice little touch i think ! Upadate; i adore the app, very good quality and i like how theres money , so you can buy stuff!
Stephanie Hurst
It's a well designed game, but I'm not entirely sure the facts are correct. The capital of Switzerland is Bern (and has been for almost 200 years) not "none"...
Janella Kim
Just started but pretty fun way to learn, when you play you get coins for right answers and with those coins you can unlock new features! I love that you don't need wifi to play it, it makes a perfect downtime game that you can play wherever and learn at the same time.
Lifeline Tech
5 str coz of games type geography... Which don't felt you down boring. But please need to add some pro level content. Because if we are investing our time here then we have to right to urge you. Pro levels means UPSC CSE Level. It would also help you to get UPSC Aspirant here. Thanks
Marijn Zwijsen
Nice app, was hoping to learn something especially new independence days. However I saw quickly that some independences days were way off. Especially the ones in Europe. They confused liberation days and change of government with independence days..
Shaun Dyer
Really good game. Fun and learning without realising. It can be a bit repetitive but shows you're remembering what you've learnt
Richard A
The game is great, right level of fun to learning. Could we have more information and facts in the map/learning mode, rivers, seas, lakes, mountains, official language... Thanks
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