BAZZ Smart Home

Home automation has never been easier with the Bazz Smart Home devices.

Total ratings

2.35 (Rating count: 179)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Difficult to connect devices and maintain stable connections
    • Frequent need to re-add devices and reprogram settings
    • Limited functionality and features in the app
    • Poor customer service and support
    • False advertising regarding device capabilities
    Most mentioned
    • Issues with device connectivity and stability
    • Frustration with having to frequently reset devices
    • Limited app usability and navigation challenges
    • Problems with recording and playback functionalities
    • Inconsistent performance of the hardware
    See reviews for BAZZ Smart Home on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.60
    All time rating average: 2.35
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    TJ homeservices
    Useless , light never pair to app using wifi or bluetooth. Dont bother with this app, its waste of time
    Evan Wiebe
    Painstaking to add devices and you have to retype your password every time it fails adding to the frustration. Got a new router and had to re-add every single device and now it nothing works. Yes it's 2.4 ghz, the lights seem to pair and stop flashing, but then the timer runs out and it fails every time. Extremely frustrating. Automation also rarely works. 0/10 would not recommend.
    Cavan Helps
    There are so many easy fixes to the name problems that plague this app. The actual hardware is fine; it's just a shame that no care or attention whatsoever went into the ability to interface with the lights
    John M
    I hate just about everything with this app and product. I installed the can lights in all my new construction and it's been a huge mistake. The lights constantly need to be readded to the network. When I flip the switch I never know if I'm going to get a blinking light. Then when it blinks I have to reconnect it. Then since I had a reconnect it I have to reprogram the "smart scenes" so I don't even use the app because I've been so frustrated with having to reprogram the scenes. Huge mistake
    Victor Zimmer
    I just dowmloaded the update hoping the mismatched time would be fixed... NOT... now I can't view playback in full screen either. Why are features going backwards? 1. I can't select a specific payback time.. time is out of sync 2. I no longer can view payback in full screen.
    Chris Delong
    I really wanted to like this, but it just doesnt compare to other similar apps. Ive been using this app for their smart rgb lights, and its sadly very limited. First of all its like a guessing game figuring out how to navigate the different tabs to customize the lights.Then you see premade scenes, and only one of them allows you to change multiple colors (just 6..and no speed changing).You cant save that scene, so none of your other devices will match it. Will update if improved
    Deez Bitches
    Horrible at holding a reliable connection. App is also buggy. Brings up weird notifications like, "Monitoring Service Enabled'. I cannot reconnect and am stuck with gas station colored lights in my bathroom. Yuck!!!
    Richard Smith
    Garbage, total garbage... I have installed app, linked to camera, worked great, 1st time, some lag, but still decent, The motion detector sensed motion, went back to app to Have it unable to connect.. Went through all setting, 95 % signal strength, but could not connect. Deleted app, reinstall camera, works for 30 sec then can't connect! Returned! 😲
    Erik Thorkildsen
    I didn't have problems connecting, as others have mentioned in their reviews. But I do find this app to be a little bare bones. In the screenshots on the Play Store app page, it shows an option to group devices. But in my experience on my phone (Google Pixel 4a), you can't do any of this. For instance: you can only manage lights individually, not group them by room and change simultaneously.
    Andrei Coco
    False advertisement on the hardware being sold in the stores. They claim you'll be able to control everything, including TV's. But when you try to ad a device from the app, there's no such option to ad a TV or A/V equipment. Useless!
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