Reviews of India Newspapers

List of user reviews and ratings for India Newspapers

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 7,603)

Review summary

  • Wide selection of newspapers and magazines available in one app
  • User-friendly and easy to navigate
  • Good for comparing news from different sources
  • Stable performance during use for most users
  • Improved speed and responsiveness in latest versions
  • Frequent and intrusive ads affecting user experience
  • Issues with links to favorite news sources not opening or disappearing
  • Occasional app crashes and freezing
  • Some articles or newspapers not loading properly
  • Lack of updates for some news sources
Most mentioned
  • Ads are a significant problem
  • Need for more international news sources
  • Links to favorite news sources often fail
  • Stable performance and smooth operation caters to user needs
  • Wide variety of newspapers available is appreciated
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ramachandra Boll
This app has been used for the last 3 years. App is excellent but some articles not opened. So beautiful app
Kshitij Dar
Great !! One can choose their Favs from 100s of Newspapers & Mags. Most of the famous and Worthy Indian Media brands are available in Alphabetical order which makes it easy.
Daniel Raj
Superb app. It never failed even once. Has a very good collection of papers
Dinesh Vats
All newspapers at one place is good idea, some international news like wion, CNN also should be added.
Harnek Singh
It is a good app which gives a number of newspapers to read. Congratulations to the developers. The app works very well.
Rajan Mahadevan
Nice very easy to search different news channel with just click of your choice.
Jayprakash Acharya
I have been using this app for many years. It is a good stating point for browsing many news sources. However the list of news sites has not been kept updated and needs to updated. At least the following news channels need to be added: * Republic World * Republic Bharat * Sudarshan News * pgurus * Swarajya (Other news sources that have become irrelavant in present times like NDTV can be taken out)
vijay anand
Simple, Easy to use, customisable, favorite is on top, can add missing newspaper and as of now no much advertisment. Keep up the good work.
Ralph D'souza
Horrible experience Reason being l normally read Mumbai mirror the news sometimes is the same for days Midday first of all takes ages to open then finally when it does and you find a news topic to read when some adds start poping up continuesly covering practically the whole page you cancel it then again it appears how stupid is that I had been using this app for a number of years that time it really was the best app But now it's a waste of time Will be uninstalling Thanks
Vikas Kochar
Not working properly, like in Google news page if you open and click on individual news to open but it fails to do so
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