Fremont FCU Mobile Banking

Fremont FCU Mobile Banking gives you access to your accounts and much more!

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4.75 (Rating count: 774)
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dwayne Lefler
Trash bank. Never answers the phone or ur questions. They expect u to just be happy with whatever they do with ur money.
Andrew Walter
Mobile app is good. I just wish instead of a general withdrawal notification that doesn't even say the name of the merchant they would have an ACH withdrawal notification that would say the name of the merchant. That would make more sense and cover all the bases with notifications since there's already a debit card posted alert and a transfer alert.
Mathew Dorr
easy to use secure
Sallie Hernandez
I have had every opportunity banking with FCU I'm not saying about online stuff but this is easy peasy. Been helped beyond any other banking. Thank You
Rachel Granville
Latest update kills the app for my pixel 7 as soon as soon as you open the remote deposit page. Half the reason to have a banking app is remote deposit. Also there are no notifications sent if a deposit isn't accepted which has been happening more frequently than before.
Joe Sturgeon
Can't even open my apo it says app has a bug
Says bugs were fixed but I can't open the app at all.
Cheryl Overmyer
Can no longer set a pin# and see accounts for my son whom I am on. Did not see these before. Why can't you fix bugs without changing other things
alyssa palmer
Just got the S23+ and this app keeps crashing
D. O.
Horrible service on thos app. Always a day behind and a dollar short
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