Reviews of Alltrust Credit Union Mobile

List of user reviews and ratings for Alltrust Credit Union Mobile

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 193)
See reviews for Alltrust Credit Union Mobile on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.71

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Date Author Rating Comment
Danny Zaccheus
Awesome Bank
Bonnie Demers
so easy to use. love being able to transfer between accounts
James Gagne
Very nice bank! Friendly people. App works well.
Cheshire Khat
I love Alltrust. Easy to navigate via mobile. The BEST personal response and help if needed. I fell into a terrible scam last year and received the very best of help. Everyone did their utmost to make me feel less stupid lol, but also explained their process clearly. They worked hard, and I got a most satisfactory response and ending. Alltrust is great because their people are great. In person, online or via mobile.
Belly Bummpers 312
Horrible app
Sky Michaela
The app is not working at all
richard torres
keep up the great work. great job. I'm happy
jared desousa
Have a app i cant use on my phone. I log in 1 time and wont let me go in again. Have to delete the whole app to log in again
This app is terrible, it never works. It's constantly down & I can never access my accounts. I constantly have to reset my passwords & contact the credit union. Which, defeats the purpose of the app & is frustrating, considering the credit union isn't open most hours. I'm most likely going to change to another banking institution because of this issue.
Melissa Hills
It keeps coming up with ooops something went wrong and I have to uninstall and reinstall... So aggravating