Bank of Commerce App

Bank of Commerce App is a mobile decision-support tool

Total ratings

4.12 (Rating count: 25)
See reviews for Bank of Commerce App on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.12

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38% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Charlotte Johnson
After installing the update, it never changed on my phone so I was constantly having to go to the playstore and open it there. While being out of town Friday it decided NOT to allow the thumbprint and I had to call the bank to get my pin and tried for a while to put in a new password, even used their suggested one, it still wouldn't work. Tried again later, same thing! Fix your app! I've been with yall for what, 20 years.I need to transfer money and be able to pay my bills, now.
Ron Martin
Been with Bank of Commerce 25 years
Geryle Rogers
Sheila Dawson
It is all great bank and staff.
Bernie Schwab
Very good
Michael Roberts
Very usefull app
Gwen Noble
Nothing but problems with this app . It took 3 trys & 20 minutes yesterday to transfer money from one account to another.
Mistty Reed
What experience it won't recognize my information and locked up my app. I have had no access to my bank information since it forced me to make this stupid update