Bangla Keyboard

Easy and fast Bangla typing is the first priority of this Bangla Keyboard.

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 167,657)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good customization options for keyboard aesthetics
  • Helpful for Bengali users
  • Previous versions were user-friendly and effective
  • Many users report that the app doesn't support Bangla keyboard as promised
  • Frequent ads that disrupt user experience
  • Recent updates have led to a decline in functionality and user satisfaction
  • Users encounter errors like not being able to open or access the keyboard
Most mentioned
  • App no longer functions like it used to after updates
  • Claims to be a Bangla keyboard but does not provide Bangla typing options
  • Frequent ads and privacy concerns regarding data collection
See reviews for Bangla Keyboard on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 4.07
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74% (17)
Date Author Rating Comment
Sekhar Bhattacharya
I am unable to open bengali keyboard on this app. Your advice will be helpful to me.
Salima Pervin
its a good application i use this app you see of the beautiful pattans you coustomice the keybord in your self so this appliccation is good.
Sujata Basu
Never seen an app getting from the best to the worst in a single update.
Nazma Akter
i used it for 4 years . its runed very good . but recently i deleted it and install again . but now its not working like before . please set it like before ..
Hamid Ali
I don't like any keyboard slow, try to powers keyboard don't mind.
Jayati Chaudhury
In my old phone it was working fine. Now to many confusing options. Bogus thing is the theme. Can't remove it.
Zahra Svensson
I used it for more than 3 years and it was an excellent app. Recently this app has deleted from my mobile accidentally and i downloaded it again.. But unfortunately its not the same as previous...
matal Mon
vary bad apps. notwork bangla kibord . onlyenglisg. and many many ads.
The picture of the keyboard that was shown first. I can't find that anymore. It is very irritating. If that keyboard is brought back then it will be very helpful.
Tasrif Hossain
Lots of add showing. And collecting all of my data which I have typed. Like Bankng info, Banking Pass, Facebook pass, Not secure. And the main issue they are showing lots of non stoppable add.
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