Reviews of Shoot Goal - Soccer Games 2022

List of user reviews and ratings for Shoot Goal - Soccer Games 2022

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 261,084)

Review summary

  • Addictive gameplay
  • Decent graphics
  • Ability to play online
  • Good quality goalkeepers
  • Excessive ads
  • Poor controls
  • Difficult gameplay
  • Long loading times
Most mentioned
  • Ads
  • Gameplay difficulties
  • Graphics
  • Control issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Shoot Goal - Soccer Games 2022 on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.28
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Rating filters

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30% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Paul larson
2 sets of commercials required to watch between plays,therefore get burned out on watching them.
Debbie Roe
I've gave it 4star because I have not had it long but it is a good football game it's got time to improve but I would recommend this app to people so get downloading the app it's real not fake
Jose Cervantes
This is one of the worst games I have ever played there is ADS every single game that you finish it glitches do not recommend it at all
Freedom Joseph
Good game good graphics everything is cool but the ball is faster like before you swipe the ball to the direction you want ,the ball will be striked .
It's a great Game 1 Reason the ads are to long and the controls are awful .
Emmanuel Tumwine kirabo
This game is a good game if one is to have fun playing it. But each level I go to my playing hard. There are so many obstacles especially the stands n the keeper is too good thst ue catches every shot taken. Either take out the keeper or leave the keeper and remove the stands coz we have to enjoy our play
Mark Taggart
Keepers are way too good almost impossible to score, player walls are in such a bad position that makes it so hard to get the ball over them and everything is so expensive
Riccardo Rossi
Open the game and I need to spin a wheel sure. Then no tutorial I'm thrown into a game without understanding how to play. What a mess. -10 stars.
Alan Lewis
Horrible Layout, so many adverts, buttons that try and trick you. Awful user interface, deleted after 1 minute.
Phuti Xulu
This game is amazing. It is so addictive i cant stop playing it but when you have to modify the ball in the air it is really hard . The grafics are not realistic at all. I'd give it a 9/10 on my side what about yours
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