Ballistic X

Shot Group Calculator

Total ratings

4.02 (Rating count: 280)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and works with all target and ammo types.
  • Excellent data for measuring shot groups.
  • Responsive customer service and quick updates from the developer.
  • Invaluable for load workup and sharing information.
  • Constantly adding new features based on customer feedback.
  • Export functionality is unreliable and not user-friendly.
  • Crashes frequently when saving images or finalizing entries.
  • Limitations in accessing stored images and categorization options.
  • UI can be clunky and not intuitive for certain functions like cropping.
  • Label size for image overlays is too small to read.
Most mentioned
  • Export issues and functionality failures.
  • Frequent crashes during usage.
  • Need for additional features like data export and cataloging options.
  • Request for a better interface for accessing and saving images.
  • Positive feedback on customer service and app responsiveness.
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Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.02
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jake May
I like it but the label for your image is way too small to read, even on the large setting. Useful for MOA calculations but saving the images is a pain and it's almost easier to just write it on your paper and take another picture. Sometimes it will hang on finalizing an image too and I have no idea why.
Complex Patriot
It's pretty good, but two additional features would make it great. First, data export. After going through all the trouble to mark impacts, it would be great if I could use the data outside the app. 2nd, some way to combine multiple shot groups because small groups are not statistically significant and large shot groups (30 or more) are undecipherable on paper.
Ron Miller
Works well for the most part, but app has to be restarted for each new entry or it fails to complete information input. Even an accidental touch to the screen can cause the app to show the "loading" circular moving arrow in lower right corner as if loading and never completes. When this happens, you need to back all the way out of the app and start it again. This is on my Samsung A54 with all the latest updates.
Ken Schamberger
So far so good. I tried the app with a couple of targets I had in the shop that were from trying different types of ammo in a new rifle. It performed as advertised. So I bought the advanced features. Mean radius etc. Works just fine. FYI, the only competition to this app by the NE ammo company crashes on my phone. So Ballistic x is still winning the race from my corner.
Tom Honeycutt
Just downloaded and purchased the standard portion of the app. I'd like to have an option as an overlay or addtional page to add reloading data. I add weather and rifle ammo to current overlay, but having an additional page to add reloading data would be nice so it can be printed with the started. Thanks
Ilya Koshkin
Edit: apparently, Google's latest update fubar'ed something with the app. They are already testing a new version. I'll give them five stars for responsiveness. They jumped onto the issue in minutes. Original review: It won't take pictures (yes, I set the permissions for the app to access the camera) and it can't access pictures from storage (photo/video access does not even show up as an option in permissions for this app).
Z Pson
What it does, it seems to do well. I'm excited for the new features to be included. I do really hope they ad the ability to add custom notes to the overlay, such as what gun or load you are shooting avg velocity or weather conditions. I think it would ad necessary context to the saved photos.
Alex Woodman
The good: it's easy to use and works with all target and ammo types. It gives you some excellent data The bad: the whole reason I bought this app was to easily and accurately calculate the mean radius of my groups, but it doesn't do that. The setting is there, but you can't activate it since it's not actually available yet. Another annoying thing is if you zoom in really far during selection you lose the ability to move the image or zoom out again since it blocks touches on the selection box.
Sidney L
Overall good, but crashes right after saving file. It also has the apps name o. The label which I don't like. The interface is decent. Doing your reference measurements is a breeze. Placing your label is less intuitive until you notice the tiny label on the top left which you have to drag. Next you crop your final image (shouldn't this be done before attaching the label??) and it saves as a photo. However the program crashes right after saving.. But it did save the image.
A Google user
Waste of time and money! Export doesn't work at all, you'll waste a lot of time setting it all up setting the impact points and everything else only to find export doesn't work. The only real option is to export and share for some odd reason it seems able to share with Google drive or Dropbox but not your own devices. It's really a waste of time effort and money you can do better off with a pair of calipers in a pencil.
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