Cloud Backup : Cloud Storage

Backup drive everything and restore in cloud storage with single click.

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 1,441)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast backup and restore functionality
  • Great backup tool with good features
  • Helpful for restoring deleted files
  • Lack of search feature for finding specific files
  • No option for adding folders or organizing files
  • Phone number only option for retrieval, no password protection
  • Activation code issues and app hangs during updates
Most mentioned
  • Backup and restore functionality
  • User-friendly interface
  • Lack of organization and search options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.35
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Date Author Rating Comment
Malaika Army
How to use it ? I I uploaded very easily but when I restored it , it has not been appeared yet . I'm talking about app. & Not having feature of searching or making folder is super heart breaking, it wastes a lot of time . And there is no order to upload the data , out of random everything just show up , screenshots Whatsapp photo, etc. It's would be best if it's order of storage is understandable, & sorting data is not time taking. & Also if it's usage is defined....🥹🙃
Anon Based
App can back up apps just fine but it is troublesome to try and find something since there is no easy way to search for something and I feel pretty uneasy with my phone number being the only option for retrieval (no password either).
Trey Heath
It is working amazingly and especially administered. I'm content with it's highlights and uncommon plans are. I'm content with it's highlights and great layouts are astonishing. A commitment of appreciation is all together for this application
Moon Shine
Backup and restore is a very good app. Works very smoothly on every mobile phones. Also it has user-friendly interface,easy to use for everyon.
Sierra Pax
Typed the activation code in three times and it keeps telling me it's wrong. I back out and it claims to be updating a profile picture from somewhere, I don't know. But it will do that for the rest of the day. It just spins and hangs it just, it's just useless.
Dennis Baumann
I like this app. However, when I wanted to select audio...i.e.,1000 songs, there is no search feature, so I had to scroll & check each song one by one. Also I would have liked 1TB free cloud storage.
Bano Qasim
Backup and Restore Cloud Backup Free Storage is delectable app. It is a smart and powerful backup tool which instantly backup your data. It is a magical app. Install and enjoy this remarkable app.
Chana Chat
Backup and restore data is a very useful and user-friendly interface application for restoring deleted files lot of people are using this outstanding performance application. I like this App.
Bart Weiland
Very simple to use. Better than Google. Fast to back up and restore. A nice add would be a programmable automatic back up for a premium price. Then sell more cloud back up space.
Olivia Allan
Backup and Restore Cloud Backup Free storage is delectable app. It is a smart and powerful backup tool. Which instantly backup your data. It have great features app. Install and enjoy this incredible app.
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