Realm Defense: Hero Legends TD

Battle mighty enemies and guard the castle in this epic strategy tower defense!

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 439,573)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and challenging gameplay
  • Great graphics and design
  • Variety of game modes and daily challenges
  • Potential to progress without paying (for some users)
  • Consistent updates and new content
  • Pay-to-win mechanics, making progress difficult without spending money
  • Excessive ads that disrupt gameplay experience
  • Game becomes unplayable or frustrating after a certain level without purchasing resources
  • Limited resources like gems and elixirs affect gameplay progression
  • Difficulty spikes that create roadblocks
Most mentioned
  • Pay-to-win model
  • Frustrations with excessive ads
  • Difficulty in progressing without spending money
  • Enjoyable gameplay initially, but becomes tedious later on
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.44
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Date Author Rating Comment
Realm defense is way too pay to win oriented. The resources like gems and elixir are very scarce in the game so it is overly difficult to upgrade or purchase heroes. The awakening pieces used to increase the heroes powers and abilities is even more scarce, and that is what you have to use in order to progress through the campaign worlds due to increased difficulty. If that's the case, then the difficulty curb needs to be decreased ten fold to make up for lack of resources. Total Disappointment.
Bri Bosen
Yhe game itself is fun. The ads however are out of control. They are the type of ads that take a long time to finish and wont go away unless you click on stuff. It is aggravating to the point that I barely open the game anymore. Sad, because an otherwise great game experience is ruined by the constant ads.
misha lunchbox
I almost stopped playing this game when i got stuck in a place where i needed more gems (to get another hero) to continue, but needed to continue in order to get more gems. Instead i patiently collected dailies for a few weeks, and i'm glad i did! This game is awesome, and it keeps going with tournaments and daily challenges even after you've finished all the levels.
A Google user
Been playing this game since World 1. So a few years now (and yes, I play for free). It's consistently great & consistently gets better every world/new hero. There are lots of side quests and daily rewards, and great events. The towers/upgrades are a lot of fun, gameplay is balanced and remains challenging. Looking forward to World 7.
A Google user
Best tower defence I've played. Tons of levels and character leveling up means you can play for a long time and always something new. Not impressed with the ads getting tricky, you can click the X but if you didn't wait long enough, you have to watch it again. Overall high quality Android game. Slow at times if free-to-play.
A Google user
I like the game but too many mini games. The game progresses very slow due to the awakening which requires the challenges. If the gems quantity was higher or you acquired them like potions, it might be more fun. As it is, after three months of playing you'll be bored and ready to delete. Due to no forward motion of the main story/game line.
A Google user
Great game, great heros, poor gem pricing structure makes game unplayable. means your only as good as the money you have put in the game. prefer the dev just charge for the game like mario run. We get it pay to play model very profitable but will limit you fan base to a degree. Charge a one time fee to play I would have done it. Whats insane is the gem cost to upgrade heros. 800 gems to move to each level and is the same for each level after. This should be a scaling cost not set cost.
A Google user
Definitely a fun game, but at the end of the day, it lacks content. After awhile you'll end up beating all of the world's and you'll end up where I'm at, which is basically logging in every couple of hours to collect rewards then exiting. Once all of the world's are beat, the only thing to do is to wait around for the tournament, which in itself is boring. They are trying to add more content like a story-line based event, but even that gets boring. Overall, fun game but lacks content.
A Google user
A well thought-out, well organized, and aesthetic tower defense game. It's free to download, and is absolutely possible to be successful in-game without having to pay. There are little to no glitches, and they update the app often. In addition to the standard campaign missions, it offers many different game types, including competitive tournaments with other online players. All around, very impressive for a free game!
A Google user
The game play itself is great. The problem is that you hit blocks where you must decide between grinding out a bunch of side quests or spending money to continue with the main levels. Even though you already beat the previous ones. Pretty much it's a fun/challenging game but its sole purpose is money trap. Edit: My response to the developer's response, BS. My previous comment still remains accurate. You can grind out a ton of side thing to earn enough gems to continue with the main levels or you can pay. There are numerous points in the game where you hit such a road block. The game is f2p only on technicality, it's a money trap, don't let the devs fool you.
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